I'm manami.

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One morning, two sand ninjas found a little girl who was badly wounded, outside Hidden sand. The ninjas took her to the hospital. The girl was unconscious for three days. When she woke up, the kazekage (gaara's father) was informed. kazekage immediately went to meet the girl.
He enters the hospital room.

The girl looks at the person entering.

Girl: who are you? (Sitting up) and where am I?

Kazekage walks to her bed and stands beside it .

Kazekage: you are in the village hidden in the sand and I'm the kazekage, who are you? (politely)

girl: I ..... I'm Manami... Kazuo. (shyly)

kazekage: Well Manami, can I know why you were so badly wounded?(tiny smile)

manami: My.... My father did this. He killed everyone. (Sad)

kazekage: I see.... Where are you from?

manami: I'm from Chio. That was my home....

kazekage gives a long thought to it and finally decides to let her stay.

kazekage in his office.

Kazekage's thoughts:

That girl is not a normal child. She has such high amount of chakra in her... unfortunately I don't know much about her.  I don't even know where her home is. I'll let her stay as long as she doesn't cause any problems.

First friend and love. (Gaara love story.)Where stories live. Discover now