We are the same.

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Next day:
Manami wakes up hearing someone knocking at the door. Manami opens the door. A hiden sand shinobi told her that the kazekage wanted to see her.


Knock... Knock!!
Kazekage : Come in.
Manami enters in the office hesitantly
Manami : Y..You wanted to see me sir?

Kazekage : Yes!, you see... Some one told me that you were with my son Gaara yesterday.
Manami : He is your son?...he'swaylessscarythanyouare...
(mumbles the last part)

Kazekage : Yes he is and you need to know some things about him....... He is a jinchuriki and so you should stay away from him.He can be dangerous.

Manami: y..you're so mean...how can you say that? ISN'T HE YOUR SON?!!

how can you say that? ISN'T HE YOUR SON?!!

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Kazekage: That's my problem not yours. You're new here. You know nothing so take my advice and beware. 
Manami: I'm grateful that you allowed me to stay here but Gaara is my friend and I'm not gonna change that!

Kazekage : Listen child, you have barely seen the world to know what darkness is like. Worst enemies lie in the shadows of people we think are harmless.

Manami : I might be a child but I know what you're saying because I have seen it all. I have seen my father killing everyone and trying to kill me too! I have seen the person I trust the most become my worst enemy! But we can't stop loving and trusting others because of that! I want Gaara-kun to know what it's like to be trusted and loved so he will do the same! Seeing your behaviour I can tell that he and I, we are both the same.... hated by our fathers...
Even though she was sad, she smiled.

Kazekage: That's the most I have seen you speak

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Kazekage: That's the most I have seen you speak. Who are you really?

Manami : I'm not sure. Who or what I am.... But I'd like to be a part of this place someday....

Kazekage : .........Choice is yours. Every one in this village hates him and they will hate you too if you are his friend. You'll be treated as bad as he is.

Manami : I don't care.

Kazekage : Well then you can leave.

Manami : Thank you.

Kazekage's thoughts: strange child.

After that she leaves.
In the park Gaara is waiting for her.

Gaara's thoughts : Will... she really bother to come? No one is my friend so why would she be? She can hate me like everyone else. ...but instead she wants to be a friend. Why?.....

Manami : Gaara-kun~~! (waving from far and running towards him )

Gaara : Manami-chan!

Manami : sorry I'm late!

Gaara : it's okay. ( blushing a little )

Manami : So, What would you like to play today?
Gaara : I don't know. .. anything ?

Manami : Well we are friends now so let's tell each other about ourselves.

Gaara : Okay but I don't think that it is a game.

Manami : (giggle ) It isn't silly.

The children from last evening enter the park.

A boy : Manami! Come here.

Manami : excuse me Gaara -kun.

Manami runs to them.

Manami : yes?
Boy : why are you with that monster?
Manami : one. . He is not a monster and two. . He is my friend!

Boy : but he can hurt you.

Manami : no he can't and plus why would he. .. we are the same.

Boy : I knew it! You are a monster too. I'll tell everyone!!

Manami : sure! (Turning away )

Manami walks to Gaara and grabs his hand.

Manami : come on Gaara-kun. . We shall go somewhere else.

Gaara's thoughts : finally I found a friend of my own. I hope we stay friends forever. . Why is she my friend though? And isn't she HOLDING MY HAND? ! (Blushing madly )

Manami's thoughts : I want you to be happy Gaara-kun after all we are living the same fate. I hope we can be friends forever. (sigh )

First friend and love. (Gaara love story.)Where stories live. Discover now