Ch.10: Embrace for Impact pt.1

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3rd P.O.V: Villains Team

"Tch. Deku doesnt have a quirk. Ive got this in the bag." Bakugou explained.

What he was wondering was how the hell did the shitty nerd get into U.A, especially the hero course. Also, in his class nevertheless

"We shouldnt discourage our classmate, he had enough strength to get into U.A and that is very extraordinary. But due to his quirk status, I do believe we should be careful when fighting him." Iida spoke out, looking at Bakugou, while in front of the bomb.

"Like hell, I am going easy on the nerd. He needs to know his place." Time to remind that worthless Deku, where he belongs, were the unspoken words in his mind. Bakugous anger started rising the more he spoke.




3rd P.O.V: Heroes Team

"You think they expect us to memorize this buildings floor plan? Its so big." Uraraka started speaking while looking at the paper in her hand. Bringing her eyes towards the building she spoke again.

"You know All Mights just as cool in person as he is on television! Im glad hes not threatening us with some kind of punishment, like Mr. Aizawa. We can relax!" Looking over to her partner she asked; "Whatcha thinking about? You look so concentrated"

"Hm?" Midoriya looks over to the brunette, her question bringing his attention to her. "Oh, well. Its just up against Ka-Bakugou. Plus Iida is there too. Im thinking we should be on our guard. Honestly, who knows what will happen." He explained.

"Oh right, Bakugou. Hes the one whos always glares at you whenever he sees you." She realized.

"Yep, and hes angry," Midoriya responds. "He can be a real pain for sure but his strength, confidence and ambitions...not to mention his quirk. It's a lot. To me that just means I have to do better. I refuse to lose today."

Turning his head towards the entrance of the building, he stares at it with determination burning through his eyes. Uraraka looks at Midoriya for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"So its a faded battle between rivals."

Midoriya thinking about what he just said, his eyes widened, cheeks turning slightly red in embarrassment, he turned to Uraraka.

"I dont mean to get you in my fight or anything" He quickly exclaimed.

"Are you kidding me were a team right? Lets win this!" The brunette responds. An equal amount of determination shown on her face.

Midoriya blinks a few times, before smiling. "Hey, I think I have an idea on how to win this."




The intercoms turn on. Grabbing both teams' attention. All Mights voice booming through.

"All right! Lets begin the indoor combat training. Team A and Team D, your time starts now!"




The hero team climbs through the window, Midoriya first with Uraraka following him.

"And now were in." Uraraka spoke.

Midoriya quickly surveys everything he can see. He tells his partner the basic information, while they both walk down the hallways. Checking the corners to make sure no one is there.

"Be careful, there are a lot of blind spots and corners, we need to look out for."

As they continue to walk towards -what they hope- the bomb, they remain and walk as quietly as they can.

'Im glad I took mental notes on all of the previous battles. I could probably-'

Cutting off Midoriyas thought process, Bakugou turns the corner both he and Uraraka were about to cross. Midoriya could feel the amount of anger and annoyance flowing off of the angry pomeranian as red eyes locked on to him. Immediately Bakugou sets off his quirk in Midoriyas direction. Dodging a little too slowly, Midoriya pushed himself and Uraraka to the side. The green haired boy could feel the slight burning sensation by his left ear. As well as the small scent of burning hair.


Midoriya quickly asks if Uraraka has any sort of injury, realizing that he cant lose himself to his own thoughts.

"Im fine, thanks for asking! Ah, Izuku your ear!" She responds.

Midoriya looks at the smoke in front of him, moves into a fighting stance. "Its fine, I can get it healed by Recovery Girl, it doesnt even hurt. Just a slight burn." He reassures the girl.

The smoke wall clears to see Bakugou glaring at Midoriya. Red ruby eyes filled with pure rage.

"Whats the matter Deku? Afraid to get beaten down by me."

"I knew youd come looking for me first. Figured you would try to catch me by surprise! Do you really love me so much?" Midoriya taunts.




Observation Room

"Whoa! He almost got jumped!"

"Sneak attacks Bakugou! What kind of man pulls cheap crap like that."

"Its a valuable strategy. Playing the part and acting like a true villain"

"It didnt work"




The Battle Building

"I want to hurt you so badly, that theyll have to stop the fight!" Bakugou yelled out, while running and raising his arm to activate his quirk again.

Midoriya, noticing this, proceeds to run towards his attacker, quickly grabbing the arm. Moving his left foot to the side, he uses Bakugous momentum to haul him over his shoulder and lets gravity take control for the rest. Bakugou realizes too late on what's happening. Winding his body being slammed onto the floor. All air leaving his lungs. While the pomeranian starts to stand up, Midoriya quickly moves into another defensive position and speaks up. Taking note that Uraraka is placed on the other side of Bakugou.

"I know how you always start a fight. I would always analyze any hero or quirk I saw. Even you. I wanted to learn everything I could about them."

Staring into those red eyes, he glared at Bakugou.

"You can continue to call me a worthless Deku, cause that name means nothing to me. Im no longer that same helpless, defenseless kid anymore. I have friends that truly care about me, quirked or not."

Bakugou finally stands and faces Midoriya. Spreading out his feet he gets prepared for to fight.

"Deku." He says with pure anger in his voice, he remembers when the nerd first stood up to him.

'Tch, trying to be a hero. Who the hell said you could' He thinks bitterly.

Quickly looking over the damn nerd, he sees him in a fight stance. Legs spread out, arms raised to protect, a slight tremor in his hands. Activating his quirk, to make small explosions, hoping to make the boy in front of him scared.

"Stupid Deku, still trying to fight me, thats why I hate you" Bakugou finally yells.

Authors Note: Hi! Thank you to the discord server I am on because they helped me decide the outcome of this battle! As you can tell most of this chapter follows the anime/manga. This was done for a few reasons. 1. It helps me write visual scenes onto my book and make it more descriptive. 2. It lets me see what I can alter and change to follow my plot without it looking weird as well as seeing how I can change the mood for certain scenarios/situations. 3. Because I can :)......Anyways this is to make up for last weeks abomination of a chapter.

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