Ch. 14: What the Fuck

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Third P.O.V.

(1 week until the Sports Festival)

"Everyone listen up, todays lesson is rescue training. You can change into the gym uniform or use your hero costumes, I honestly dont care which one you wear. Once you are changed youll meet me at the front of the building and wait for further instructions. Am I understood?" Aizawa spoke from the front of the classroom.

"Yes, Sensei!" Everyone in the class spoke at once.

"Good, now get to it you have 10 minutes." After speaking Aizawa walked out of the classroom, leaving the students to start getting up to change.




"Gather round class 1-A, using your student numbers form two (2) neat lines, so we can load the bus efficiently." Iidas voice broke out, bringing everyones attention away from their previous conversations.

"He really is taking the name of vice president, isnt he?" Himiko murmured to Uraraka, both girls wearing their hero costumes. Before the brunette could respond, their homeroom teacher stepped off the bus.

"All right everyone get on the bus and stay in your seat."

One by one each student walked onto the bus and sat in any seat available, (Iida was a little upset that his seating plan wouldnt work). Once everyone was seated, Aizawa got on the bus and told the driver to start going. Once the bus was in motion, all different conversations broke out.

Hitoshi and Izuku were sitting towards the back of the bus, (Midoriya in the aisle seat), and were quietly talking to each other. Meanwhile, Toga, Uraraka and Iida were sitting in the open aisle of the bus. Himiko sitting next to Asui Tsuyu, a girl with a frog quirk.

"There's something I want to say about you actually," Asui spoke, turning to face Himiko. Said girl tilted her head and said, "Oh! What is it, Tsu?"

"Your quirk, I actually dont know what it is and was wondering if you could tell us?"

"Huh, I guess I never really told anyone, well beside Toshi and Izu," smiling, Himiko answers Asuis question. "My quirk is called Transform, it gives me the ability to physically look like another person. I can also sound like them too. Though, there is one (1) thing I need to have before doing so. Anyways, I was hoping to use my quirk to be a part Underground Hero! I really think it would go great for going undercover and such!"

After she was done speaking, Kirishima, a red-haired boy spoke up, joining in on the conversation.

"Thats pretty cool to go undercover and such. My hardening quirk is super strong and is great on defensive, it can destroy bad guys in fights. The thing is I want to be a spotlight hero, but my quirk isnt all that impressive."

"I think thats a cool quirk and great for heroics," Uraraka said.

"Really think so? Seems like itd be easier to be a popular hero if I had a flashier quirk." Kirishima responded, with a small amount of doubt in his eyes.

"My laser is the perfect combination of panache and string." Aoyama spoke, also including himself in the conversation.

Mina turns to her right, and pats Aoyamas arm stating that his quirk cant do much because of his drawback.

"If any of our classmates have strong quirks, its definitely Todoroki and Bakugo." Kirishima stated, bringing the conversation back to focus. Said two (2) boys were quiet, Bakugou looking up once hearing his name and Todoroki sitting in his seat, with his eyes closed.

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