Chapter 7

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Katie's POV

Well, after 6 hours in the shower, I finally managed to get all the red paint out of my fur. But now, there was a newspaper article about us. Thanks to Sushi Lips, we were on the front. Covered in paint, glitter, flowers, and stuffed animals.

"Don't worry. No one reads the school paper." Mike reassured, as he picked up the pile of newspapers.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they read the quad." Art said.

Mike let go of the papers, which fell into the trash can, as he took notice of the quad that was covered in pictures of us. They have covered the place. And there was even a huge picture that was placed on the clock tower.

You've got to be kidding.

Now that I think about it, this is even more humiliating, and emotionally painful than The Thornbush incident. That's when Mike noticed my brother selling merchandise, with the same picture. Despite how mad I was, I too upset, and embarrassed to say anything to him.

"Hey! What do you think your doing?!" Mike demanded, as he marched up to the RORs.

"Raising a little money for charity." Johnny replied.

"Yeah? Well, stop it." Mike demanded.

"You want us to stop raising money for charity? That's not cool." Johnny said.

"This guy hates charity!" Chet yelled, getting the attention of the crowd.

"I want you to stop making us look like fools." Mike said.

"Hey, you're making yourself look like fools. Let's be honest, guys, you're never going to be real scarers, because real scares... Look like us," Johnny said. Chet laughed mockingly. I could see the anger and guilt in Jessica's eyes when she looked at me. "But, hey, if you really want to work for a scare company, their always hiring in the mail room." He said.

The crowd of monsters around us started to laugh.

I've had enough.

Enough trying.

Enough of this school.

And enough with my brother.

I should've known better than to come here. I walked away with the other Oozmas as everyone continued to laugh.

"Guys, hold on! Hey, hey, hey. Wait a second. Don't listen to him. We just need to keep trying." Mike reassured, trying to snap us out of our depressed state.

"No, you need to stop trying! You can train monsters like this all you want, but you can't change who they are." Sulley stated then walked off.

"Mike, we appreciate everything you've done, but he's right. No matter how much we train, we'll never look like them. We're built for... Other things." Don said, looking at his card. They started to walk away except for me and Mike.

Mike looked at me.

"Katie..." Mike started.

I didn't say anything, and just walked away, following the others. I felt tears in my eyes, as they dropped down onto my cheeks.

I will never be like them.

I will never be a scarer.

I will never be the Worthington everyone thinks I am.

I will never be Johnny.

I sat at home, in the floor, grieving. Everything Johnny said was all true. I'll never be a real scarer and I'll never be like him. I let my anxiety take over as my thoughts swarmed in my brain.

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