You got to eat / Mattheo Riddle

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⚠️Warning ⚠️  bullying, body shaming, blood, Ed, triggering subjects, swearing and cussing

This had been going on for too long. It's always the same girls, always the same treatments, always the same fear. The fear of walking to class, just to be stopped by Pansy and her gang. Just for them to hurt you emotionally and physically. Just for them to ruin you.

This time you had just been walking to the great hall, alone. Mattheo was being busy with detention.

As you neared the great hall someone grabbed you by your hair, pulling you with them. They brought you to the girls bathroom and started to shout at you.

" Weren't thinking we forgot about you huh "
" You fucking slut, doesn't dare to speak when her little Mattheo isn't with her"

Pansy threw a punch right at your face, making you wince in pain. Never have you done anything to her and her crew. Never have you even spoken to her, else from " Stop it please "

" Daphne, hold her up for me " Daphne walked over to you and held you up so that you kind of stood on your knees in front of Pansy Parkinson.

" Hm sad really, you knew your fat but still, you were just about to go to the great hall for dinner. How can you possibly live with yourself, huh? How can you possibly think that someone will ever see you as someone else from the fat pig who's weakness take over all the time "

She kicked you in your stomach and you gasped for air as you cried out loudly. The girls started to throw punches at you, until you were unconscious on the floor, surrounded by your own blood.


( Mattheos POV )

I went to the great hall looking for y/n after my detention. She said she would probably be in there if she wasn't in the library or her dorm. Which she wasn't.

Pansy and her crew walked into the hall, smirking at me, blood on their shoes and knuckles. Oh damn

I knew about how they always had bullied y/n. I always told her that she needed to tell Dumbledore or someone else. Every time she reacted the same.

" No Mattheo, if she finds out about me or you telling someone, she will get 10x worse. I just have to get through it. I'll take a punch "

I ran out the corridor when I saw something lying on the floor in the girls bathroom.

" Oh shit, y/n wake up... holy crap okay umm "
I took her in my arms, and brought her to my dorm knowing she would freak out if she awoke in the hospital wing.


( Y/N POV )

See : Opening my eyes I understood that I had been taken to a dorm room. I recognized it as Mattheos dorm. The walls were full of pictures and stickers.

Feel : I can feel someone stroking my hair gently. This someone happens to be Mattheo himself. I feel pain from all the open wounds and bruises that starts to form on my body.

Taste : Blood. I can taste the blood dripping from my face. Ugh

" Ma- Mattheo " I whimpered out softly, yet my voice shaking and slightly used up since all my pleading for the bullying to stop.

" Y/N, darling. Your awake, you scared the hell out of me. "

" sorry " he looked at me concerned

" Love, never apologize for something like this, it's not your fault. I'm gonna need to cleanse you up okay" he took you to the bathroom, placing you on the counter.

Taking a wet cloth in his hand and gently dabbing it over my wounds on the face. I gripped his arm tightly as a searing pain crushed by.

" Mm it hurts " ( y'all let's be innocent now )
" I'm sorry, I'm gonna try to be more careful "

He repeated his moves, and soon I was all cleaned and bandaged up.

" Well seeing as you didn't got to eat, maybe you should eat something now. Let's go to the kitchen okay "

" No, I'm not hungry " i was in reality

I just wanted to be loved by people, and if they meant no more food to get skinnier, than that will do.

" y/ n your absolutely perfect the way you are. Pansy is just jealous of you because you can literally get anyone who you want. You might not see it, but almost every guy in this school is checking you out. Hell even some girls are. Don't let her get to you, you deserve a happy time. "

" Mattheo we both know that nobody is
" checking " me out. Your just saying that to be kind and I appreciate it, but I can see by myself you know. "

" y/n please - alright wanna know something "
" what "

" I'm checking you out, yeah you heard me right. You wanna know why. It's because your beautiful, the way your eyes always shine when your excited or how you always smile big before breaking out in laughter and cute giggles. But it's also the way how you treat other people."

" you treat the as how you wished more would treat you, even if their mean to you. Your absolutely perfect in my eyes "

You now had tears running down your cheek. The words that just left his mouth actually meant something.
You liked Mattheo, hell you even loved him.

A crazy idea popped into your mind. You hesitated for a second, but soon fulfilled your thoughts.

You kissed him

And he kissed you back

Um so I don't really know how to feel about this one.
Some of the subjects are taken from my own life so it kinda hits hard

R.I.P Helena McCrory 52 ( Narcissa Malfoy )

Hope your in better places now and returned with Alan Rickman

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