Introducing and Explanation

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                                                   Hello Hello! Welcome to my first story
I will be a bit slow and possibly take forever. I am apologizing in advance.
Now to explain the character stuff and what everything means, also a little background for (Y/N).
As most know, (Y/n) and (L/n) represent Your Name and Last Name.
(F/F)=Favorite Food/Flavor
(F/T)=Favorite Tea
(F/D)=Favorite Drink
(F/A)=Favorite Animal
(F/C)=Favorite Color
(M/N)=Mom's Name
(D/N)=Dad's name
(S/N)=Sibling's name
(C/N)=Country name
 and that's all I'm giving until more is needed.
(Quick update if you have started to read my other story you will notice that your younger sibling from this story is gonna be that person, just making sure everyone knows this)
(Y/N)'s background
(Y/N) (L/N) is from a wealthy family so is well known all over her hometown. She is always surrounded in attention, though she dislikes it due to how bittersweet it is. She is the most popular girl in school and the main girls that are in her clique are just around for her wealth. She has been surrounded by fake friends all her life in this bittersweet attention she's given, it makes her sick. So when she is pulled to this new world, her new adventure might give her actual friends. All you need to do is just choose. Your bland world with many fake friends, or the wonderful magical land that is Twisted Wonderland.
There are a lot of characters that are gonna be in this story, so I would like to know if there should be a love interest or should we keep it to fluffy friend relationships? And if so do decide that you want a love interest, who should it be? I will be uploading slowly so please be patient with me. Enjoy this wonderful story.
(277 words)

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