The Queen's Arrival

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Author's Note
I have decided that the fake friends' names are respectively gonna be Heather, Regina, and Britany. The first two because I am a Musical Nerd, Britany because that is a stereotypical one, you can change it if your name is one of those, I'm just doing it because it's hard to think when exhausted. Also this is how your life is kind of like in the story. So let's begin! -Nova
(Y/N)'s POV
 There was a soft click as the lights in my room turned on and I heard my mom speak softly.
"Wakey wakey hon, it's time to get ready for school"
I sat up and stretched a little after I heard my mom close the door. A sigh escapes my lips as I get up and get changed, I pull on a (F/C) belted tunic and some black leggings, I slip on a pair of high tops and grab my messenger bag, brushing my hair quickly before going to the kitchen. (S/N) was sitting at the table eating Lucky Charms, Mom was in the kitchen making a breakfast burrito. And Dad is nowhere to be found. 'Must've left already' I hum going over to sit down at the table, but was stopped by mom handing me the wrapped up burrito.
"You can go ahead and head out, your friends are waiting for you outside sweetie"
'Grrrreat, they're here' I mentally roll my eyes before giving a weak smile
"Okay, love you mom" I go by ruffling (S/N)'s hair lightly
"Love you too little rascal"(S/N) whines a bit, lightly hitting your hands away and holding their head.
"Hey don't mess up my hair!"
I giggle softly before heading out to my 'friend's' car.
"Heyyy girl! Hurry up" Heather says in a sickenly sweet voice
This made me cringe slightly on the inside as I go over
"Hey Heather" I say as I look at the ombre haired girl through the window, taking the wrapped burrito and eating it.
"Where's Brit and Reg?"
Heather smiles a bit, it felt so bittersweet I almost gagged.
"We're gonna pick them up, and take a quick stop at Starbucks.
"I sigh 'I'm paying aren't I' "Alright"
3rd Person POV
(Y/N) gets in the front passenger seat and puts in an earbud in and plays her Lo-Fi playlist, spacing out for a bit until the chatter between the three girls starts. She hums as she notices Starbucks coming into view.
Heather nudges (Y/N) lightly
"Could you pay for all of us (Y/N), I forgot my wallet at home"
(Y/N) sighs lightly 'Liar' she thinks
"Sure, going through the drive through?"
Britany chimes in
"I dunno we have a lot of time before school starts"
Regina nods "We have the time to go in and sit for a little (Y/N)"
This makes (Y/N) have a bitter taste in her mouth. 'Great' the (H/C)ed girl thought as they got into the parking lot. Heather hums cutting the engine, They all unbuckle and get out and head in the shop. You all take your order you got (F/T), the three girls got something basic. As (Y/N) paid and waited for the drinks with her 'friends' she overhears them mentioning 'maybe we should skip school and take a shopping trip'. The (H/C) girl sighs, grabbing her tea and taking a sip. Usually the tea would taste nice but it was just all bitter to the girl as she listened to the murmurs from the three wanting to buy all sorts of stuff, and she knew it was gonna be all on her to pay for it....
(Y/N)'s POV
'God it's so bitter' I set my tea down
"I'll be back"
I got up and headed to the bathroom, I heard them mumble something quietly which makes the bitterness even more unbearable. I wash my face and take a deep breath. '(Y/N) it's okay, you can just lose them in the mall, you don't have to stay with them, you can just give them money and they can leave you alone.....God it's so bitter' a sigh escapes my lips as I stare deep in the mirror.
"Alright (Y/N), let's go back out there" Opening the door and heading back, Heather gives a fake smile as she hands me my tea.
"C'mon (Y/N) let's go, we already got the okay from the school"
I raise a brow "Mental health day or called in sick?" I asked
"We decided for Mental health day for all of us" Britany says and wraps an arm around me. I stopped myself from gagging, the bitter taste is also starting to get unbearable. A weak smile comes on my face as I push myself away from her. Regina then looks to the other two and whines jokingly.
"We should probably head to the Mall, before it gets too crowded."
The other girls agree as I start to tune them out and just follow them back to the car. I just sit in the seat listening to the meaningless chatter and my music, I drink my tea....still bitter. ~~~~~~~~~~~
I finally had gotten away from the trio, I gave them all a 'generous' amount of money, I just walked until I reached a shop full of mirrors. Y'know, I don't generally like mirrors but...something is just drawing me to this store. I hum and look around the shop, my eyes soon lock on a specific mirror, as I walk over and stare in it for a bit. For a moment I thought I saw fire surrounding me. I looked around seeing that it wasn't true. I looked back to the mirror to see that I was no longer there and green flames replaced my reflection. Soon I heard a voice say "Ahh...My dear beloved", I looked around to find I was no longer in the mirror shop but a dark room, I looked back to see the mirror still there. The voice rings out again as I feel my feet move on their own.
"A lovely noble flower of evil"
I try looking around to find the source of this mysterious male voice, but I am just alone.
"Truly, you are the most beautiful of all"
I hear the voice say as my body moves closer to the mirror, my sight back on the mirror with green flames.
"Mirror mirror on the wall... Who is the..."
 The voice stops as the mirror soon shows a beautiful carriage heading to a big castle looking building. I stand staring at the image before me, quite confused. Then the voice makes it's appearance once again.
"Those who are guided by the dark mirror...As long as your heart desires, take the hand that appears in the mirror"
As the voice said that I finally noticed that the image in the mirror was no longer there but instead a hand is held out. My hand slowly reaches up on it's own as I lightly take hold of said hand. 'What the Hell?!? why am I taking the hand?!?!'
"For me. For them....for you"
I stand there for a moment 'Me?'
"We all are running out of time"
'What, what's that supposed to mean?'
"No matter what, Never let go of my hand"
As soon as I heard that I felt myself start to black out....
2nd person POV
 This is only the beginning for our young heroine, she won't be prepared for what will happen next. Our Candle Queen will have a great adventure, as she is now laid in the coffin dressed in the ceremonial robes. She looks almost as if she was Snow White in the glass coffin waiting for her prince to come and awake her. In all due time your highness, you'll see the wonderful and mystical land of Twisted Wonderland.
(1253 Words)

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