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~Deku's POV~

I started walking quickly out of school, Kirishima hadn't come to school for the past few days and my nerves were getting the best of me. Did something happen to him? I hope he's okay.

Almost as if something was reading my mind, I got a notification on my phone.

Kiri: If you're wondering why I haven't been in school for a while, its because I changed schools. I wanted a new start, none of my old reputation from there, not that it's bad anyway. Thats all I wanted to say ig

I- WHAT?! Kiri... he's gone? I know that we're not exactly on good terms but still. Why would he transfer schools? Well he did say he wanted a new start, I wonder what that means. Wait.. will I even ever be able to see him again? I can't live without his perfect black hair.. his cheerful smile with his pointy teeth, so many things. He means so much to me, he's my best friend, well I think anyway. 

Wait yeah, I have to respond! Right before I went back on my phone to at least try and think of something to say, I was interrupted by some kind of commotion going on. It might be another fight between the heroes and a villain! 

I stopped immediately when I noticed a familiar face. KACCHAN!

He was struggling greatly in the green colored villain's grasp. It pained me greatly to see him like this, I couldn't just stand there anymore.

"KACCHAN!!" I yelled. Before I could think I ran up to where he was, throwing some of the things I had on hand to distract the sludgy looking creature.

A/N: Let's change things up a bit 😌 

To my surprise, the villain let go of Kacchan thankfully but instead took me into his suffocating grip just like a few hours ago!

Through my struggling, I could somehow see one person. Kacchan. He looked terrified, I was a bit confused though, he didn't care about me anymore did he? There's no possible way he does, I mean he does bully me every day.

Soon somehow the villain used the rest of gathered up sludge to get taller and taller, I was now about 60 feet in the air. Once again, I felt like I was going to die. Would this be the end?

Suddenly the villain decided to just leave me and scurry before he could get caught. I could feel myself falling down head first, then.. all I saw was black.

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