My memories...?

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~Deku's POV~

I woke up to a mostly white room. I could hear someone quietly crying and someone snoring. I was genuinely confused at this though. Where was I? I began to sat up as I noticed there was a few things attached to me. I soon began to immediately sit back down, my head hurt like hell.

"Oh Izuku sweety!!" I heard my mom call out as she walked quickly to where I was laying down. "I'm so glad your okay!" she said between sobs. "What do you mean.. why wouldn't I be?" 

"I-... you don't remember..?" She questioned, she looked concerned and worried. I felt bad, what had happened to make her feel so bad? What am I not remembering anyway? 

"Right! As I was uhm, saying before, when your son fell he faced a lot of damage to specifically his head. Due to this he's lost some memories, we don't know the ones he's lost but one thing we do know is that he probably won't remember much about right before the incident for a few days. But he should remember most of the people he's known for at least 2 years." The nurse said.

I back at my mom who then started crying harder, I couldn't possibly feel the pain she was in but I felt bad. It pained me to see her like this. Only then I decided to start looking around, taking in my surroundings. Soon I saw a certain person, it was entirely unexpected that he'd be here. Katsuki Bakugou, AKA Kacchan. He was sleeping peacefully in a chair sort of close to my hospital bed. Wait, why was he here in the first place? There's no way he came to punch me or something, there were people here who would see.

If I'm being completely honest, I've liked him since we were about 8. I was just in denial a bit to my feelings. I only actually realized I liked him when it was too late. We got into middle school and he turned on me. 

I think I remember meeting a few other people after that, specifically one person. I can't remember their name though, their personality, or any kind of actual connection I had with them. We could've even dated for all I know. That wouldn't be likely though, with my feelings for Kacchan. I don't even know why I like him, he literally bullies me every day. Something must be wrong with me, whatever, for now I need to focus on the moment.

Kacchan. He's here. Why?

Ironically, I saw the blonde's eyes slowly opened up. "W-Why are you here?" I said, glancing over to Kacchan. "Fuck" he whispered under his breath, when he was sleeping I did notice he looked uncomfortable, he's probably just in pain now from that. After he had actually took in things and was fully awake, weirdly, he asked my mom and the nurses to leave the room for just a bit. "Please make this as short as possible, we need to still monitor him for a bit and check on other things in case he has other injuries from the fall." I heard one of them say. 

Why would he want me and him, alone, in a hospital room? Wait, alone, a punch or two was probably coming. He leaned in as I closed my eyes, ready for it, then.. I felt a warm embrace.

It didn't feel forced at all. It felt like it was full of sympathy, sweetness, like it came from his heart. He was hugging me. He then gripped me a bit tighter during it, I reluctantly hugged back, confused. "I-I'm sorry okay?" He said, "For everything.. especially these past 2 years, all this time you kept getting hurt because of me."

An apology?

A/N- Sorry this wasn't updated for a while, I haven't really had that much motivation. Plus this story is rly small so I didn't rly try to find time for it. Sorry ab that for the people who are reading this! Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night! :)) <3

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