Déjà Vu

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Présent day

Natasha's pov

It was pretty hot while we were waiting at the airport for  'team cap' to show up. Even though he and Clint are important to me I choose Tony. Somewhere I know Steve is right and Tony is wrong but he still had a good point right? Ross was really up his ass about bringing Barnes back in to lock up. But knowing Steve... He won't give him up.

And it's true that we did a lot more damage to our surroundings then our enemies, so I guess signing that contract was a good decision...... Or maybe not. But it was too late to change my mind. The others are coming and Tony is not going to let them get to the airplane. I see Vision flying up to see if they arrived, after a minute in the sky he shook his head. Meaning they aren't here yet.

Tony is talking to the new kid, his name is Peter aka spiderboy or something. I hear him say that when he gives him a sign he needs to take caps shield. He's way too young to be here if you'd ask me but Tony sees potential in him. He's very shy and very formal.... A bit too formal actually.

Then I see a familiar face coming up to the roof. It was Steve.... Alone?
That's surprising.
Never mind I saw Wanda and Clint behind him. Tony flies up and takes down the helicopter in front of him.

Tony : ' Crazy how you just run into people on the airport right'

Steve : ' listen Tony, that dokter he's behind all of this okay'

Tony : ' no you need to listen Steve, Ross gave me 36 hours to turn you in... That was 24 hours ago.'

Steve :' you're after the wrong guy.'

Tony : ' Your friend killed innocent people'

Steve : ' And there are 5 more super solders like him out there and I'm on my way to stop them.'

Tony : ' alright I ran out of patience, PARKER!'

The spider kid takes Steve's shield and binds his hand together with his web.

Tony : ' I'm trying to not break the avengers apart. '

Steve :' Yea you did already the moment you signed those papers.'

While Peter was holding the shield, a tiny man suddenly transformed to a normal form and took caps shield and gave it back to him.

Bucky: ' Tony if you want me that's okay but there is no need to harm Steve or anyone else. '

Tony :' is he serious right now? Me? Harming anyone? I think you should look at yourself first you know.'

Steve : ' damn it Bucky , I told you to wait back so stark here wouldn't get to you. '

*out of breath from running * :' sorry captain but I couldn't hold him back. ''

Tony : ' so... Now that we're reunited, Mr Barnes put your hands where I can see them.'

Steve : 'Yea I don't think so.'

While he said that his team lined up together. Sam, Wanda, bucky, Scott, Clint and Steve.
Vision and black panter joined us. So now it looked like a was battle. But I kept my distance. I didn't want to be upfront, because Tony was actually wrong but it was too late to step back. So there you had it. A civil war between friends. I hated it.
I can see it in Steve's eyes. He doesn't want this at all, he just wants to help his childhood best friend and find those other super solders before that creepy dokter does. And I know deep down there Tony also knows he's wrong. But we all know he's too stubborn to admit to that ofcourse 🙄.

To be honest I don't know who's going to win. They have a very powerful witch who can move things with her mind which is very cool, a supersolder who fought wold war 2, a flying bird, my bestie Clint, an ant who transformes from tiny to normal to big and then you have Steve.
We have a man in a suit... 2 actually I mean war machine is more specified in the weapons, we have a king, a flying red popsicle with a yellow stone in his head, we have a kid who's half spider I guess and then there is me, sexy mf who is skilled in hand to hand combat and is very good at killing people....

So there we are standing in front of each other waiting for it to begin. But then suddenly Tony gets an emergency phone call from Fury.

Tony: 'Now is really not a good timing Fury, I'm trying to hunt down a living dinosaur.'

Fury : ' Yea I'm well aware of that, but you have to listen. Come back to the tower we have a meeting.'

Tony : ' Are you serious right know... I'm finally this close to capturing the winter soldier and you call the avengers in for a meeting, I don't know if no one told you but we kinda had a contract to sign so now we aren't that good at being friends with each other any more. '

Fury :' Forget about the contract Tony, I convinced Ross to make a new one with other rules, which I'm sure of that you'll like, and the rest of the avengers ofcourse. '

Tony :' Listen I don't have time playing your games Sir, Ross gave me 36 hours to find them and since you're not Ross I won't believe you. So unless Ross is right next to you and tells me all this himself I'll be there in 2 minutes. If not then bye. '

He just hang up and focused on Steve.

Steve :' Maybe we should listen to him. '

Tony :' uh since when do you listen to authorities Steve. '

While saying that he pointed his hand towards Steve as a weapon, everyone was about to fight but just at that moment before he could shoot, someone came in between the 2. Blasting fire in a line in front of both sides so no one could attack. When he lands on the ground he faced Tony, I can't see his face he has a black mask on. And he's dressed in black. But something about him seemed familiar to me.

Unknown : ' Anthony Edward stark, your presents is highly requested at the tower' * he turned to the others * 'so are all of you'

Tony : ' wait he send you? Well I guess it is really important, we are on our way.'

There's no way..... I thought I'd never hear that voice again, it was so familiar. It was him.

He nods yes and leaves, he just jumped of the roof and then we all saw him fly away. It can't be him right? My thoughts were interrupted by Steve and Tony.

Steve and Tony at the same time : ' let's head back then.'

So this was the first real chapter, I'll try to write the next one tomorrow. Enjoy 😁.

1152 words

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