Stage 1: Denial

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Taylor could barely process where she was, because she moving so fast. Michael had a tight grip on her wrist, and was bobbing and weaving around bushes and trees, trying to avoid anyone who crossed their path. When they finally slowed down, Taylor noticed that they were in a forest. And they were deep in the forest, so deep that you could barely hear any birds chirping, and there was a dark green glow that hung over the canopy. For some reason Taylor grew anxious and a familiar feeling arose inside her, one that could only mean danger. As they went deeper into the forest, Taylor's fear grew more and more, and just as she was about to turn and run, they broke threw a curtain of vines, were enshrouded by darkness for 2 seconds, and then were bathed in sunlight beside a small pond.

Taylor gasped as she looked about her, the sheer beauty of this place was to much for her to handle, she felt overwhelmed. Michael took a deep breath, inhaling the wonderful smell of roses and tulips. They were in a small valley, secluded, only accessible by a small hidden cave. The valley was gorgeous. Large cliffs sloped steadily upward on each side. A small pond was in the center and lovely flowers covered the ground.

Taylor had only seen a place so beautiful in her dreams. Michael turned towards her. "This place is good, no one can hear us out hear, we're completely alone." Taylor looked around amazed by everything that she was seeing. "Does anyone else know about this place?" She asked. "No. Only me. This is my own little reprieve. A place to get away from the world."

"That sounds like something I really need." Taylor said lowering her eyes. Michael moved closer to her, and ever so gently placed a knuckle beneath her chin and slightly raised her head. "I'm here to help you." He said looking into the depths of her dark brown eyes.

"Come on, let's go sit down. There's a bench right over here." Michael said not turning away. Finally he broke his gaze and led Taylor to a small DIY bench. "Did you make this yourself?" She asked taking a seat. "Yeah, my dad was a carpenter, he taught me some things." Michael answered sitting next to her. "What do you mean your dad was a carpenter? Did he retire?" "No." Michael sighed. "He died."

"Oh, I'm sooo sorry, I didn't mean too" Michael cut her off. "No, its ok you didn't know." They sat quietly for a moment.

Then Taylor, trying to shift the mood, said, "So, you said you could help me, How?" Michael looked up. "I have a special ability that allows me to see lost spirits. Most people can't see,hear, or interact with spirits, but for whatever reason, I can. And sometimes I help these spirits, um, pass over." Taylor looked at Michael with a strange look. She didn't know if it was shock, or humor, or a combination of both, but none of this was making any sense. It was like some SciFi movie, but then again nothing that was happening made any sense. "So your telling me you can see ghosts?"
"No, not ghosts, spirits, there's a difference. You see, a ghost has to be avenged before it can be at rest. A spirit has to come to terms with or accept what has happened to them before they can pass over."

"Well that's great, but what does any of this have to do with me?" Michael gave a small sigh. "This is going to be hard for you to believe, but you are a lost spirit." Taylor couldn't control herself, she burst out laughing. Michael, besides a small grin, maintained his sincere and serious face. After about 3 minutes of laughing, Taylor finally calmed down. Michael was completely serious. "You can't be serious?" Michael said nothing. "So, your telling me that I'm a lost spirit?" Michael gave a small nod. "But, if I'm a spirit that would mean I'm...." Taylor's words trailed off as she flashed back to this morning.

Taylor feel to her knees crying. It all made sense, she was dead. That's why her dad couldn't hear her. That's why her mom was crying. Everything made sense. Michael feel to the ground beside her and took her in his arms. He held her head to his chest as she weeped. They stayed like this for a long while. When she had no more tears to shed, Taylor looked up at Michael. "What's going to happen to me?"

"Well, if I can help you, you will pass over to the spirit world where you will live in peace."

"What if you can't help me?" Michael didn't answer. "What do I do?"

"Well, usually you have to find out how you died, and come to terms with the fact that your are no longer human."

"But I don't know how I died."

"Don't worry, I'll help you figure this out. I will do everything in my power to make sure you find peace. I promise." Taylor didn't know why, but the sound of Michael saying "I promise" made her feel safe, and something about his eyes made her feel like she was on fire.

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