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I looked down at my phone, at the last text that Donghyun had sent me.

Donghyun: i'm getting my stuff on Monday. 

That was all. I sighed, I hated to say that I was more than the least bit bothered. who wouldn't be after there boyfriend of five years broke up with them? I looked around the apartment we had shared for the last three years. everywhere I looked there were traces of Donghyun, dumb acrostic poems he had written were hanging on the fridge, the banana muffins he had made for me last weekend were still sitting on the counter in a ziplock bag, his favorite green hoodie was still laying in the hall between the bedroom and the bathroom where he had thrown it two nights ago before storming off. I looked at my watch, it was 1:15. So three days ago. 

I hadn't seen Donghyun sense then, and I was honestly glad I hadn't. I sighed and walked into our bedroom. Well technically it was my bedroom now, which would have been a nice thought under different circumstances. I looked at the slacks and white shirt I had ironed in preparation for the next day.

the next day, my first day at my new job. Donghyun and I had been talking about this day for ages. Now it was here, and I was facing it alone. 

But it wasn't like I hadn't been alone before.

I was staring a job at a graphic design company in Seoul. It was a dream job, and while I wasn't taking a big position, it was still exciting. I would have a desk, a team of other people to work with who were all just as passionate about the job as I was. But like with everything, I had a hard time being optimistic about it all. 

I needed to text Donghyun back.

Wooyoung: I won't be at the house, i'll leave your stuff outside.

after a few moments Donghyun responded.

Donghyun: No, i can just use my key

Wooyoung: It's my house, i'll leave it outside. Leave your key when you come.  Just slide it under the door.

Donghyun: fine, whatever. 

I didn't say anything else after that. 

even though I knew, being the insomniac I was, that I wouldn't be able to sleep I got ready for the night, turned off the lights and climbed into bed, I was a strong believer in routines. But I was having a hard time adjusting to sleeping alone. I was so used to getting in bed and listening to Donghyun playing video games in the living room. Then him climbing into bed next to me , and throwing an arm around me. he would usually fall asleep in about two minutes, and I would just lay there, staring at the ceiling, not being able to sleep. Now was no different, except this time there was no one there to hold me while I couldn't sleep. 

But now the only person to hold me was myself. That wasn't going to be fun to adjust to. 

Now with nothing left to do but think and pity myself, I closed my eyes. praying morning wasn't as far as it felt. 

AN: Hello everyone, i'm finally getting around to writing something 😅. I used to have an old account with a few books but I deleted it awhile ago to pay more attention to school. But now i'm back haha. Guess I really couldn't stay away for long. Anywho I hope you guys enjoy this story. First chapter isn't much so far, but the plot will pick up I promise, especially when he meets San 😏. So please follow me if you dont already and vote and comment.

I hate you (except I don't) //Woosan ffWhere stories live. Discover now