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I woke up the next morning in a worst mood than I had gone to sleep. maybe it was because I had only gotten two and a half hours of sleep. Or maybe because I had dreamed about Donghyun. whatever it was, I wasn't happy.

I climbed out of bed and not bothering to shower, pulled on a nice work outfit and combed through my messy hair. I wasn't in a good mood, but I didn't need anyone else knowing that.

I arrived at the office on time. but was confused to find a large stack of paper work already sitting on my desk. I glanced over at Yeosang who smiled and waved at me.

"Oh good morning! San said those were for you to finish before lunch,"

"Before Lunch?!" Yeosang nodded and I looked in disbelief at the tall stack of papers. How in the world did he expect me to complete all that before lunch?

But then I realized, he didn't he wasn't trying to get work done. He was trying to get under my skin. This work probably wasn't even important. He was teasing me, how childish. 

Well I was going to show him that I wasn't anywhere near as lowly as he thought I was. I was going to do that paper work, and I was going to get it done before lunch just like he told me to do. 

He would just have to wait and see.

I worked tirelessly, not even stopping to take a coffee break or chat with my coworkers. Every once and I while I would hear San and Hongjoong talking out in the halls outside there offices, but I didn't bother to look up and check. I had work to do.

Finally I slapped the last paper on my table defiantly, Yeosang jumped and looked over at me.

"I finished," I told him, out of breath for some reason.

"Dude.. It's like 4:00," Yunho told me. Great. I buried my head in my hands, so much for defying limits. 

"Wooyoung have you finished that paper work?" I jumped falling backwards in my chair, my chair running into San who was standing right behind it. I heard him let out a little oof as my chair rammed into his thighs. I hopped out of my chair and turned to bow to him quickly. 

"Sorry," I muttered. Even though I wasn't in the least bit. 

"It's alright," he glanced around me at the pile of paper work and I stepped aside so he could see all my hard work. He picked up one of the papers I had meticulously filled out and scanned it over quickly. 

"Good," he nodded, and stepped away from the desk.

"I'll collect these later, you should go home early. You've worked hard," He smiled brightly at me. Who did this guy think he was? acting like he wanted to make my life hell one second, than acting like he was my best friend the next. 

But I didn't mind going home early, even if it was only my second day. 

I headed out of the company before San or anyone else could stop me and decided to walk home and enjoy the beautiful day. I smiled softly to myself as I walked under a blossoming cherry tree, letting the stress of today and last night wash away. How was it only my second day of work and I was already emotionally exhausted. Probably not a good sign but I was used to those. 

I reached my apartment finally and, trudging up the stairs. the elevator was broken as always. I had also left all of Donghyuns stuff in a big pile by the door. I hoped someone had stolen it all before he'd gotten there.

But when I reached the door I stopped dead in my tracks. there was an envelope taped to the front of my door.

I knew what it was. Something that had been a long time coming, and now that I didn't have Donghyun to help pay rent, i knew was eventually inevitable.

My notice of eviction. I was getting kicked out of my apartment. 

Oh shit.

I hate you (except I don't) //Woosan ffWhere stories live. Discover now