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I didn't want to go.

But it was the only place I had left to turn. There weren't many options for a guy who had just been broke up with and evicted and on top of that didn't have any friends. 

I need to go see my brother, and fall at his feet and beg him to let me move in with him. 

I began to walk, with a duffel bag slung over my shoulder. I took everything that was important and left everything else. I was also trying very hard to keep myself from having an anxiety attack.

I rode the bus the few miles to the dance studio my brother had taken over after my mother had given it to us. It was supposed to have been mine after she gave it up, dance had been my passion after all. But I hadn't wanted it, and my brother Jihoon had taken it as a family betrayal. I hadn't seen him sense Grandmothers funeral.

This was probably a bad idea.

The bus stopped and I walked the few blocks to the old, familiar studio. walking up to the front of it, it was exactly as I had imagined it. I thought back on the hundreds of hours I had spent here, taking lessons, practicing, goofing of with my brother. Whenever he was there at least. 

Now being faced with the barrage of memorize, I could barely even make out which ones were happy and which were sad. 

The studio was open, I knew there were probably a few after work and school lessons taking place. I walked in looking at the old lobby.

They had put in some new furniture. and painted it so it was no longer that old ugly olive color it had been my whole life.

"Wooyoung?" I spun turned around to look at my brother. He had some how gotten ever taller from the last time i'd seen him. 

"Hi," He was holding a clip board which he set down on the welcoming desk to throw his arms around me.

Wasn't expecting that. 

He pulled away and looked down at me, his face serious.

"What are you doing here?" I sheepishly looked up at my older brother.

"I.. I got evicted from my apartment," His eye brows arched.

"Do you want some Ramen? Cause I want some explanation," 

A half hour later we were sitting in his office, with full stomach, getting caught up. I told him about Donghyun, my new job, and struggling with money. He told me about opening classes for younger students, and hiring new teachers.

"We have one teacher who teaches our youngest class, and he's amazing. The kids love him, and they learn so much with him. He's an amazing dancer too, I keep telling him he should teach older students but he has another job so he doesn't have time. His class is wrapping up right now, do you want to see?" I nodded eagerly, I hadn't seen or been to a dance practice in so long. Even if it was for five year olds. 

We weaved through the parents sitting outside the class room waiting for there kids to finish and he lead me into the practice room. I was glad that Jihoon had forgiven me long ago, I don't know what I would have done if he hadn't.

The kids were squealing and laughing at some funny thing there teacher had said. His back was turned to me so I couldn't see what he looked like yet. But I could tell he was a naturally built dancer. He crouched down and gathered them all around him in a huddle, probably telling them about what a good job they'd done. Jihoon opened up the door so that the parents could come in to collect there children.

"Let me introduce the two of you," He pulled me over to where the teacher was packing some of his things into his dance bag.

"San! let me introduce you to someone,"

dear god.

no no no no no.

There was no way.

But there he was standing in front of me in all his awful glory. His eyes showed his shock as much as I was sure mine did. 

"Do.. You two know each other?" San shook himself out of his shock and nodded at Jihoon.

"Uh yeah, we work together," Love how he didn't mention the fact that he was my fucking boss.

"really? That's amazing! Wooyoungs my brother," San opened his mouth to say something else when a little girl with two lopsided pigtails ran up to him.

"Mr. San! Mr. San! Before I had to leave I wanted to tell you how much fun i had in your class. Thank you so much for letting me take it!" She threw her arms around his waist, and he chuckled hugging her back.

"I'm glad you have fun, that's how I want all my students to feel,"

"I told my Dad i'm gonna marry you someday but he doesn't want me to," Jihoon burst out laughing and nudged me with his elbow.

"I told you he was popular," while San and the little girl were hugging, my eyes drifted over his body. Taking in how hot he looked in the moment.

Plane black tshirt and black joggers. Sweat was gathering on the back of his neck from the hot dance room. He had a black baseball cap on too. 

To say the least he was sexy. I hated it.

San straightened back up as he watched the little girl run of to her Dad. For some reason I noticed he had a sad look in has face. But it dissapeared as he turned back to the two of us.

"So what are you doing here all of a sudden?" I shrugged not wanting to talk about it with him.

"He was evicted today, he was seeing if he could stay with me. But sense I basically live here I don't know if I can. I'm already sleeping on the couch as it is," My heart fell to my toes. Who else could I possibly stay with?

"well if you need a place to stay wooyoung, you can always stay with me. I have plenty of room," He said it offhandedly like it wasn't the biggest fucking deal. 

I just stared at me.

Cause it had to be a joke, right?

I hate you (except I don't) //Woosan ffWhere stories live. Discover now