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I was laying in the bottom of a very deep hole.

I was on my back, looking up at the blue sky above. It was right there, but it was so far away. I tried to get up but my legs wouldn't work.

I was stuck.

I breathed in deeply, but I couldn't smell anything. My nose must not be working either.

"Wooyoung?" It was Donghyuns voice, I felt a cold chill go through my body. was he here to help me?

"I'm down here!" my mouth was working I guessed. 

"Wooyoung where are you?" why hadn't he heard me?

"I'm here!" Still he didn't hear me.

"Wooyoung? Wooyoung?" I felt someone shaking me, and slowly the voice changed from Donghyuns to Sans.

Then I woke up. 

I pried my tired eyes open, I hadn't slept like that in years. Must have been the bed. San was sitting next to me.

"Mr.Choi," I mumbled.

"You know outside of work you shouldn't call me that,"

"I'll call you whatever the fuck I want," I replied, I generally lacked a filter whenever I first woke up. 

"That's no way to talk to a man who just made you dinner," I sat up.

"You made me food?"

"don't sound so surprised, you are my guest after all," 

No one ever made me dinner. Even Donghyun hadn't. it was always me making food for other people.

It felt kind of nice.

I climbed out of the heavenly bed. 

"I'll be back soon my love," I whispered tenderly to the bed.

"What was that?" San asked.

"Oh nothing, nothing,"

He led the way down stairs, and proudly presented his 'masterpiece' to me. It was just Ramen and eggs, but the effort was what mattered I guess.

"Thank you Mr. Choi," i sat down and we enjoyed the meal in silence. 

"So, tomorrow i'll be leaving here at about 5:40, would you like me to drive you or do you want to take a taxi?" I didn't have money for a taxi, and it wasn't like i'd be sleeping anyway, especially not after that nap.

"I'll just catch a ride with you, if it's no problem,"

"of course," 

"I can do the dishes," I hoped up, I didn't want to feel like a burden.

"No it's okay,"

"No really, I can do the dishes,"

"Wooyoung," I froze where I was. The way he said my name. It was dominating, and powerful. Sexy. I shivered. But submitting right away was never any fun, even though I kind of weirdly wanted to.

"San," I called him by his first name this time. I looked at him, cocking my eyebrow. 

San pushed his chair back from the table, slowly standing. Not once breaking eye contact with me. He walked across the kitchen to stand in front of me, wrapping one of his strong, muscular arms around my waist, gripping it so I couldn't move. He smirked at me when the smug smile disappeared from my face. my legs were numbs, I didn't know why.

"I didn't know you liked this kind of thing," He chuckled, than tugged the dishes from my hands and stepped away towards the sink. I spun on my heels and dashed towards the stairs, but Sans smooth voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Oh and Wooyoung!" he yelled out to me.

"try not to dream about me, 'kay?" I scoffed at him, turning back up the stairs.

Jokes on him.

I wouldn't even be sleeping tonight. 

I hate you (except I don't) //Woosan ffWhere stories live. Discover now