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My insomnia had been getting worse lately. I wasn't sure if it was triggered by anything, but whatever it was. I wasn't sleeping well. 

I had tried to get what I saw in Sans study out of my mind, we were just housemates after all. It wasn't my business right? 

But my conscious wouldn't let me.

Work had been going smoothly, Yeosang was convinced that there was something going on between San and I, and it took a lot of convincing to make him think otherwise. I wasn't up for rumors at the moment. 

But what I thought was going to be just a normal day, ended up escalating into much much more.  

I had decided to walk back to Sans house instead of having him drive me. It was a nice day, and I wanted to take advantage of the weather. I enjoyed the breeze wafting past me, messing up my hair and brining a smile to my face.

But it immediately disappeared when I saw a very familiar car parked on the side of the rode, right by where I was walking. 

It was Donghyuns car. what the hell was he doing on this side of town?

I put my head down, walking faster. Hopefully he wasn't looking for-

"Wooyoung!" damn it. 

He hoped out of his car and walked quickly towards me. I froze where I was, I had no clue what he wanted. 

"Wooyoung, i've been looking for you. I went to your apartment but there was some other couple there. what happened?"

"Why did you go to my house?" I questioned angrily.

"I wanted to see you,"

"well you've seen me, bye," I tried to walk away, but I felt the familiar sensation of him grabbing my shoulder. 

"I wanted to talk to you, can't we talk?" 

"If you want to talk, just tell me what you want to now," he sighed.

"Why are you always like this?" 

"what is that supposed to mean?" he sighed again.

"Never mind, I came to tell you that you were right," 

"About what?"

"About that guy, about us. I'm sorry, i've been so stupid," 

"glad we agree for once,"

"About which part?"

"your stupid," 

"Oh," I chuckled, I wasn't expecting him to take me seriously. Looks like for once he did. 

"Did you find a new place? do you have somewhere to stay?"

"Yeah, i'm staying with a coworker," 

"Just.. a coworker?" why did he care? I opened my mouth to answer but was interrupted by a voice behind me.

"No, actually we're a little more than just working together," I spun around.

"S-San?" who invited him?

"Hey babe,"

"Babe?" I practically chocked on the word. What was he on about? 

"My names Choi San, he's staying with me. I'm his new boyfriend," 

the fuck? this bitch is crazy.

I hate you (except I don't) //Woosan ffWhere stories live. Discover now