Chapter 2 - The New Doll

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Coraline woke up stretching as she gets out of her bed heading downstairs towards the kitchen.

"morning Mom, Morning dad" she mumbles

Mom had taken over the role of cooking so it was pancakes for breakfast, Coraline quickly starts putting the pancakes in her mouth taking a sip of her Mango Milkshake.

When suddenly a pair of arms Wrap around her "Booo!" a little voice shouts.

"Morning Coraline, Did I Scare you."

Coraline turns to see her Little Sister Cora standing behind her, firmly holding her blue blanket in her hands Cora was nine years old, with her purple hair and bubbly personality she was the opposite of Coraline and definitely the Apple of her Parents eye. But what second child isn't

"Coraline, I do believe your sister asked you a Question." Mother utters

Coraline Rolls her eyes groaning slightly as she looks at her sister "Good Morning Cora..." she mumbles.

Cora Smiles sitting down at The table next to her sister, copying every move her sister does, Coraline quickly gets irrated by this

"Mom tell her to stop!" Coraline shouts

"she only wants to be like you sweetie just give her some love and attention too..."

Coraline scoffs loudly throwing her plate to one side and storming out of the room, Her mother always stuck up for her sister and never her. Part of her envied her sister wishing she was treated like that at her age.

Just then the Crystal Ball Cuts off.

"ohhh so Coraline's got a sister.."

the Beldam chuckled slighlty as she walks over towards her take blowing the dust from the table as she sits down once again, getting out her needles and threads stitching and sowing as she began to make another doll from scratch.

Sowing the buttons firmly into place, placing on Coras Purple hair and her clothes applying her little smile and freckles as she stuties the doll.

"Perfect" she hisses lifting the doll up and sending it out of the window to find its way to Coraline's Sister.

Coraline 2 - Return of The BeldamWhere stories live. Discover now