Chapter 4 - The doll House

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Coraline watched as her little sitter ran her fingers up and down the doll house, it was creepy Coraline had so many questions why did it look like the Pink Palace, why did the shop disappear before Coralines eyes.

She began to think if they acutally vanquished the other mother or if she was still out there, Coraline quickly pushes the thoughts out of her head.

"I'm going to Wybies" she shouts slamming the door of the car and running up the pathway. Disappearing threw the bushes until she comes to a large yellow house, miles from the pink palace.

Wybies grandmother sits on the front porch rocking her chair back and forth as she stitches with her needles. Her eyes narrowed and her hands shook.

"Good afternoon Mrs Lovat..." Coraline mumbles walking up the stairs.

"Ah Coraline I haven't seen u in Ages Dear.."

"I was here Yesterday Mrs Lovat.."

"really, I'm not sure I remember..." she mumbled trying to get up from her chair "Wybies inside let me get you too some-" she starts saying but coraline stops her.

"No that's fine Mrs Lovat I wont be long..." she lied as she watched the elderly women nod her head and sit back in her rocking chair.

Coraline walks into the kitchen, turning her head looking for the boy but she couldn't see him. She walks threw the house, hearing a loud creeking noise coming from upstairs as she grips tightly onto the railing.  

"Wybie" she whispers but he doesn't answer, she tries to call him again but nothing, suddenly she turns feeling a hand on her shoulder, she jumps and sees the curly haird boy, smiling in the corner.

"geez wybie , you scared me what are you doing." 

Coraline follows wybie into the next room, the room had dark Grey walls, and black curtains with human skulls that where in disarray  same as  the grey bedspread.

"What's wrong Jonsey I am abit busy at the moment"  he mummbles throwing things from his cupboard

"Wybie do u think we actually killed the beldam.. Like stopped her.."

"of course we did, I mean we threw her hand down the well and -" Wybie ran his fingers threw his hair

"I'm not sure Jonsey why are u asking why now?" he questions jumping under his bed.

"I went to town earlier and there was this shop called the Spook shack, there was a werid elderly lady in there and Cora she -" Coraline gulped down "she found a doll house that looks exactly like the pink palace. "

"and then it disappeared right before my eyes, call me crazy Wybie so it can make more sense please.." coraline says on the verge of tears  as she watches wybie step closer towards her placing his arms around her shoulders pulling her in for an embrace.

He could see the fear in her eyes, he hated what had happened to her, he vowed to protect her, to be there for her, as long as she needed him, he would always be there and if it was only as a friend he would accept that for her.

Coraline looks up into Wybies eyes "what where u searching for.."

"oh that, The Cats Gone I haven't seen him for days I think something is wrong..."


Cora sits on her bed, "would you like some tea Mr Teddy..." she mumbles to herself. Reaching for her bunny "oh why yes I would love some thank you..."

When she hears a faint echo boom through the room, "Cora..." she looks up but sees nobody.
But she hears it again "Cora..."

"who's there..." she stutters.

Slowly getting up off her bed,  she makes her way to the corner of the room where the doll house is placed, "Cora come and play..." she hears the voice say again

A small light  emerges from inside the house, Cora watched in disbelief as  the house shook  back and forth  up and down it was almost as if it was alive, The ground and walls shook with it, birds perched on the tree outside shook the branches.

She was frightened her legs began to shake. As she slowly reached out for the house, trembling as her hand was inches away from the small golden door knob.

"Cora Dinners ready!" she heard her mom shouting from downstairs taking her attention away from the house for a spilit second but that's all that it took.

Everything went back to normal the house was lifeless once more, Cora moved her head  from side. "coming mum" she uttered rushing down the stairs and closing the door behind her.

Once the doors where closed and the lights where off the small doll house began to glow once again.

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