chapter 13

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chapter 13

Alyssa's P.O.V.

    After we had pulled away from kissing each other I could feel my cheeks start to turn red. At least the light are off, so he can't see me blushing. After just standing there holding each other for a minutes the lights came on. I quickly hid my face in his chest.

   "You look cute when you blush." He said making me blush even more as I looked up at his amazing smile. "So lets go find the lads." he suggested. "Yeah" I agreed pulling away from him. He wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked back toward the stage.

   When we got back to the stairs I saw the Louis, Zayn, and Liam standing there talking. As we started walking down the stairs Louis spotted us. "LOOKS LIKE NIALL AND ALYSSA DECIDED TO FINALLY JOIN US!" Louis shouted from the stage to make sure we heard him. As soon as he said that Niall let go of me.

   We had finally made it to the stage when Louis started to ask tons of questions. "Where were you two?" he asked making me a little nervous. "Um...we got lost when the light went on mate." Niall said. "Oh okay, but soon I'll find out what really happened." Louis said sounding like a detective.

   "So have you seen Harry and Brittany any where while you where 'lost'?" Louis asked emphasizing the lost part. "No, we thought you lads might have found them." Niall told them. Where could they have gone? "Well it's only 12:30, so lets go eat . Maybe they'll show up later." Niall suggested.

   We all went back to the guys dressing room to find pizza for lunch. "PIZZA!" Niall shouted as we entered the room. There was four boxes on the table. Niall ran over and grabbed a whole box for himself. "Are you really going to eat that whole pizza?" I asked curiously.

   "Yeah. I'm starving. I haven't eaten since you and Lou found me this morning." he said pulling a piece of pizza out of the box. "That's Niall for you." Liam said grabbing some pizza. "So where were you hiding Alyssa, when the lights went out?" Liam asked while we ate. "I was lying on the floor between two rows of seats with Brittany but then I lost her and I guess Harry found her." I told them.

   We where eating the pizza when Harry and Brittany finally showed up. "Where were you two?" Louis asked them causing Brittany to blush. "Um...lost." Harry said walking over to the pizza with Brittany. "Oh really!" Louis exclaimed, "From the redness of her face I would say you weren't lost."

   Brittany walked over and sat next to me while she at her pizza. I gave her a look like ' your going to tell me everything later'. "So since the four of you were 'lost' we have to be on the stage in 10 minutes." Zayn said looking from Niall to Harry.

   We ended our lunch early to go to the stage. Niall wasn't finished with his pizza so he brought the box with him. When we got to the stage I saw Simon standing there waiting for us and he didn't seem happy.

    "Good afternoon. Ready for rehearsal?" He asked all of us. "Yeah." the guys said smiling. "What about you Alyssa?" he asked looking at me. "Yep." I said as we all walked to the front of the stage. "Good because I want to see something. Brittany I want you to sing with Alyssa today." Simon said looking at her. "Um... okay, but I don't really sing very good." she said sounding nervous.

   "I want you to sing Only Girl by Rihanna." He said. We decided really fast who was going to sing each part. We decided that Brittany should sing first.

We both started singing when Simon cued the music.

La la la la

la la la la

la la la la

Then Brittany started to sing.

I want you to love me

like I'm a hot ride

Be thinking of me doing what you like

Then I started to sing.

So boy forget about the world

cause it's gonna be me and you tonight

I wanna make your bed boy

and then imma make you swallow your pride.

Then we started to sing together. So far it sounded pretty good to me.

I want you to make me feel

like I'm the only girl in the world

Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love

Like I'm the only one who knows your heart

Only girl in the world

Then Brittany sang again.

Like I'm the only one that's in command

cause I'm the only who understands

how to make you feel like a man

Then we sang together again. I looked over to see the guys and Simon smiling.

Want you to make me feel

like I'm the only one that you'll ever love

like I'm the only one who knows your heart

Only one...

Then I started to sing my part.

   Want you to take it like a thief in the night

Hold me like a pillow,

make me feel right.

Baby I'll tell you all my secrets that I'm keepin'

you can come inside

and when you enter you ain't leavin

be my prisoner for the night

Then our part came up and I could see Brittany was no longer nervous.

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world

like I'm the only one that you'll ever love

like I'm the only one who knows your heart

Only girl in the world

    We were stopped by Simon. As soon as he stopped us the guys started to clap like crazy. "That was very impressive. I think for the concert you both should sing together. Alyssa you can also still do a solo." Simon said smiling.  "Sure, that sounds good to me." I said hoping Brittany would agree. "And what do you think?" He asked her. "Sure, why not." She said smiling.

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