Chapter 15

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chapter 15

    Niall's P.O.V.

       We started to kick the soccer balls all over the arena. We had been doing this for ten minutes until Paul walked onto the stage. "What are you doing?!" he asked causing us all to stop and turn around.  "Kicking balls. What the hell does it look like?" Lou said reminding me of our one video diary from the X-Factor.

    "Why inside the arena?" he asked looking at all of us. "Because it's raining outside and this is more fun." Zayn told him. "Stop and find something else to do." Paul said sound serious before walking backstage. Like we are actually going to stop.

  "Ready for another round lads and girls?" Lou asked getting ready to kick his bal. "Yeah." Zayn agreed. "What about the rest of you?" Lou asked looking down the line of us. We all nodded in agreement. "GOOO!" Lou shouted kicking his ball before all of us.

    "What did I tell you lads?!" Paul said walking back onto the stage looking mad. "But we had to see who won." Lou whined. "I don't care. Go get the balls and find something else to do." Paul said standing there waiting for us to do what he said.

   "Fine." Liam said crossing his arms and walking off the stage to go find his ball. We all followed and found our soccer balls. Lou waved for us to all meet him in the middle of the arena. I looked at the stage to see Paul looking confused.

   "What Lou?" Harry asked as everyone was standing there looking at him confused. "What should we do since Paul ruined our game?" he asked. "I don't know. How about we go back to the dressing room and think of something?" Liam suggested. "Okay. Race you." Lou said before running away.

   Alyssa's P.O.V.

    Louis had took off running back to the stage leaving us all behind. "WAIT UP LOU!" Niall yelled running after him. We all ran back to the stage and dropped the soccer balls by Paul, to continue chasing Louis and Niall.

   "FIRST!" Louis shouted as he opened the door to the dressing room. "That was unfair mate." Zayn said as the rest of us made it to the room. "Your just mad cause you aren't as fast as me mates." Louis sassed.

    "So what are we going to do now, plus it's almost time to go back to the hotel." Brittany said as me and her walked over to sit on the couch. "What if we just chill?" Liam asked. "Sure." Zayn  agreed.

   "Oh Alyssa, why did Simon want to see you earlier?" Brittany asked breaking the silence in the room. "Um...that I get to finish the tour n the US with them." I whispered in her ear so the guys wouldn't hear. "WHAT?! NO WAY! THATS AMAZAYN!" she yelled causing them all to look at us.

   "How did you say amazing?" Louis asked looking at Brittany funny. "A-ma-ZAYN." she said emphasizing the Zayn part. "Where did you get that?" he asked curiously. "It's a Directioner word. There's a few of them." she said smiling.

    "Really? What are they?" Harry asked looking interested in the conversation. They all looked at her waiting to hear what their fans came up with. " ExtraordinHARRY, fabuLOUIS, brilLIAM, phenomiNIALL, and amaZAYN."she said emphasizing their names in each word. "That's cool. I'm going to start using those." Niall said.

   "Oh Alyssa made up one for Harry and Louis a few months ago in class." she told them reminding me of our crazy note we wrote in class once. "What is it?" Harry asked. "HilHARRYiLOUIS." I told them, "It's not as good as the others." "I think we should write a whole dictionary of words like that mates." Louis suggested. "Good idea mate." Niall said get up from where he was sitting.

   He walked over and sat next to me and Brittany on the couch. "Can I talk to you outside?" he whispered to me so the other wouldn't hear. I got nervous as soon as he said that, he didn't smile or anything, he just got up and left the room. I followed him to find he was standing in the hall.

  Niall's P.O.V.

   As soon as she walked out of the room I could see that she looked worried. "Do you want to go to the beach with me tomorrow?" I asked smiling hoping she says yes. "Yeah! I would love that, I've been dying to go to the beach since I got here." she said excitedly. "So what time are we going to the beach?" she asked. "How about at 11. We have a free day tomorrow." I suggested. "Sound good." she said smiling.

    I'm so glad she is finishing the tour with us, now I get to spend more time with her. "OW, what's going on out here?" Lou teased as he opened the door. "Nothing, just talking." I told him. "Okay well we are going back to the hotel so when ever you two are down." he said walking past us down the hall.

   The rest of the lads and Brittany followed him down the hall to the limo. "We should probably follow them." Alyssa said. "Yeah." I agreed and wrapped my arm around her waist. We followed them to the limo.

*in the limo*

   The ride back to the hotel was unusually quiet. "So what's everyone's plans for tomorrow?" Harry asked finally breaking the silence. "Um... I don't know yet. What do you want to do Alyssa?" Brittany asked. " Oh... uh... I already have plans." she said. "Oh okay." Brittany said looking at her phone.

  I could tell she was texting someone and it was probably Alyssa. "What about you lads?" Harry asked again. "Not sure yet." Lou said. "Same Liam and Zayn added. "What about you Niall?" Harry asked. "I have plans." I told him as we pulled up to the hotel.

   Again there was a crowd of fans outside the hotel. We walked thought the crowd to the lifts inside the hotel. All seven of us got inside one lift. "What floor are you two on?" Liam asked looking at Alyssa and Brittany. "7" Brittany said. "That's our floor to." Harry said.

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