chapter 24

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chapter 24

   Alyssa's P.O.V.

     "I'm home." I said as I walked through the door. "Welcome home." my mom greeted as I put my bags down and walked toward the kitchen. "How was Miami?" she asked hugging me. "It was amazing! I had so much fun. I can't wait for the rest of the tour." I said as my dad walked into the room. "When do you have to leave again?" he asked. "Tomorrow." I said.

   I know if he could he would make me stay and tell me it's just a dumb dream to be chasing, but since I'm not in school anymore it's up to me. "Where is the next concert?" my mom asked taking my mind off my thoughts. "Orlando." I replied, "Well I'm going to go pack." I grabbed my bags and went to my room.

   I started to pack again and pick out all my favorite outfits. I decided to wash everything from this week before I leave again. I repacked the outfit I got from the concert after I washed it.

   I sat on my bed and looked around my room looking at all the stuff I had and memories. I know when I come home before I leave for England it will all still be here, but I have to leave it all for a long time. I got up and walked over to my book shelf knowing there was one last thing I had to pack. I picked up my scrape book that I had been making since middle school, it had everything from my family to my friend throughout my life. I couldn't leave without this.

    I laid it down on top of my clothes and closed my suit case. I decided to go on Twitter and see what everyone was talking about today, when I saw pictures of me and Niall everywhere. GREAT, just what I needed hate from random people. I read some of the tweets and some of them were nice, while others were terrible, so I decided to tweet the picture I took of me and Niall hugging saying ' Had the best time in Miami and meet the best guy in the world <3 '.

   While I was on Twitter I got a text from Brittany. 'Hey go on twitcam the guys are on and it's hilarious.' I switched over to twitcam when I remembered they all have separate accounts, so I started with Louis' knowing it would most likely be his and I was right.

   "ELLO ALYSSA!" they all screamed as soon as my username popped up on the scream. Yeah all the other fans didn't like that at all. They started to talk about the concert in Miami and how they are now in Orlando. After watching them for an hour I logged out and joined my family.

   I had completely lost track of time realizing it was now 5 and my parents had just finished cooking dinner. It felt so nice to sit down with my family and have a home cooked meal. After dinner I helped my parents clean up and then we sat around and just talked for a while before I decided to go to bed.

   I laid in my bed for a while before my phone started to ring. I looked at it to see Niall was calling me. "Hey!" I exclaimed, but to loud to wake my parents up since it was almost midnight. "Ello luv. Did I wake you?" he asked sounding like he was whispering. " No, I couldn't sleep." I said as I walked over and opened my window. "Good I didn't want to wake you cause I couldn't sleep either. So what are you doing." he asked. "Just sitting on the roof looking at the stars." I said looking up at the sky.

   I loved to come out and sit on the roof at night all the time. "Why the roof?" he asked through a yawn. "Cause it's so peaceful and nice up here at night." I said. "Well they sky sure is beautiful tonight." he said. I could tell he was outside because I could here all the cars. That's Orlando for you. "It sure is." I said while gazing up at the sky. "Well luv I would love to talk to you longer but I'm getting tired. I just wanted to hear your voice before I feel asleep. Goodnight." he said so sweetly. "Goodnight." I said with a smile even though he can't see me.

   I sat on the roof looking at the sky till about 1:30 in the morning before I decided to go back inside. I closed my window and crawled into bed for the night.

  I woke up in the morning and laid in my bed for a few minutes just staring at the roof. Today I get to leave for Orlando and start the best thing that has ever happened to me. In  a few hours I'll be in Orlando with my best friend and five amazing guys.

   I got up and started getting ready to leave. I went and took a shower to wake me up since I still felt sleepy. After my shower I had picked out and outfit for the day. I put on my free hugs t-shirt and a part of neon blue short-shorts with my white Toms. I put on my makeup and straightened my hair before I joined my parents for breakfast.

    "You look great." my mom said as I sat down to eat. "Thanks." I said. I finished eating and went back to my room. I decided to put my bag by the door as I waited to get picked up, since I wasn't taking my car this time. I walked over and sat in the living room with my parents as I wait.

   I didn't have to wait long till the car pulled up. "Well I have to go now." I said getting up to hug my parents goodbye. "We'll miss you." my mom said hugging me. "I'll miss you too. You can call me whenever." I said trying not to sound sad. "We will. Send us picture of all the different cities." my dad said hugging me. "I will. I'll see you in a few months. Love you." I said as I walked to the door and grabbed my bag.

   I walked out to the car and put my bag in the trunk. I looked back and waved to my parents before getting in the car. I got in the car and looked to see my mom start crying as the car pulled away. I started to finally feel it, I was leaving to live my dreams with my best friend it was kind of bitter sweet. "You okay?" Brittany asked tapping me on the shoulder. "Yeah." I said looking out the window as we headed to Orlando. This was it we are going to have the best summer ever and live our dreams

                                                                  The End

*Sorry it's kinda short, but that's the end of this one, but I will be writing a sequel soon. Hope you enjoyed it.*

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