okay? (s)

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but schlatt had moved to texas and you didn't come with him-so it just is what it is.it became harder every night to fall asleep without him - and even harder when he's the one waking you from it when you do

the sound of your ringtone wakes you up suddenly and you're blinking for a moment,trying to wake up. you squint at your phone,then instantly grab it when you see it's schlatt.you should've recognized it before because he has a special ringtone just for him,but your brain was too filled with sleep to realize it.

''jay?'' you're asking into the phone as you pick it up.

"are you okay?" his voice is husky like he just woke up himself, and you're blearily looking at your clock on the bedside table.it shows 4:34 in the morning and which means it's roughly three am for him.

''sweetheart are you okay?" the urgency in his voice makes you focus more and you're nodding, even though he can't see it.

"yeah-yeah i'm okay jay what's up?" youre asking now sitting up in bed.you're giving him your full attention now feeling worried

while he'll send texts even though he knows you're sleeping letting you know that he's going to sleep himself,or telling you what he's doing tomorrow-he intentionally does so you can text him back when you wake up.he never calls in the middle of the night.it sends your heart beating faster,even though he's the one asking you if you're okay

you hear him let out a hefty sigh and then he's silent for a moment. "are you really okay?like you're good?''

"yeah why would i tell you im okay if im not jay?you just woke me up babe''

hes letting out another sigh and you can only picture how he must look right now with hand through his hair, worried expression on his face.

"johnathon what's going on?" youre asking seriously because he didn't answer you the first time

he took a couple of moments to answer you, and you can feel the worry curl even tighter in your chest. ''i just uh-had a bad dream about you.it just felt so fuckin' real that i just needed you to pick up''

and that hits you hard

you instantly wish that you could be with him, keep him close,actually show him,in the flesh,that you're okay.you click on the light beside you and then facetime button.

"jonathon-im okay sweetheart.i don't know what it was about, but im still here.im safe,see?''your watching him carefully and he's doing the same back

"im okay jay'' your voice is soft and he's nodding slowly and then closing his eyes,placing a hand across them

"yeah alright'' he's saying, taking a few deep breaths, keeping his hand over his eyes-and after a moment he's looking at you. "'m sorry doll i shouldn't have woken you up...."

"don't start that," you say shaking your head ''you did the right thing-don't go thinking you're an asshole for making sure i'm safe.''

"i dont fuckin' know i just...i just woke up and I was immediately calling you.it was like instinctive i didn't even think." hes running his fingers through his matted hair but he never takes his eyes off of you.it's like he's taking you in,soaking it into his brain that you're okay,that you're there

"good'' you smile ''never be afraid to call me jay'' youre moving so you're laying on your side, snuggling back under the covers as you watch him.

"yea i know..." and then he's doing the same as you, mimicking your position in bed. "im just glad you're alright''

you fix him with a small smile. "yeah me too.you have a busy night?"

hes nodding. "yeah some weird stuffs going on with the weather again and it's fucking up all of our internet routers and shit.plus i miss you like a fuck ton."

"i mis you too bub.want me to tell you about my day?"

and he said yes , so you did.you talked and talked until he was lured back to sleep - and when he finally knocked out you bought a one way ticket to austin,texas

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