Chapter 9: manhunt

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George POV.

It was almost pitch black now, probably 9 at night, I would of stopped to check and confirm but my situation was getting worse by the minute.
Clay must have sent some people after me. It was probably just some security guards from his parents business but with the yelling and coordination it seemed like he sent the army hunting me down. And... was that dog barking I hear.

How fucking desperate is he to keep me here? I dodged between the trees and looked back in shock as I heard the sound of men growing closer, and looked to my left away from the road. There was a ditch. Before Clay's men could find me I dove into the ditch, and pressed my back against the rough bark, hoping whoever was there wouldn't look for me over here.
It sounded like there were 4 men, all holding torches as they ran past where I was hidden. Prematurely, I sighed out in relief, however it turns out the half of the quartet were still waiting in the area having a conversation.

"So who is this person that the bosses son has sent us after?" The first asked as he lowered his torch.
"George something, I think." The second chimed in.
"And why does the boss want him?"
"Not sure exactly. Usually he sends us after burglars and has us take them straight to the cops. But this time it's different..."
"Different how?"

I hitched my breath, how was this different, I was curious and felt myself leaning towards the conversation trying to hear better.

"Clay wants him returned to the mansion, and seems desperate. Why else would he give everyone tranquilizer guns?"

Wait what!? That psycho got tranquilizers to shoot me with. Who the fuck would do that?

"That's not all." The man continued, "Clay said anyone who hurt this George unnecessarily would be fired."

Why the fuck would Clay say that? I wondered as I lowered my chest flat on the ground and began commando crawling along the ground as the 2 men changed their topic.
Several hours had past, longer than I had originally expected due to the men searching for me everywhere. I had made it a few miles away from the house now and felt safe, the yelling was quieter and I could no longer hear dogs.

With my utterly unamazing navigation skills I somehow made my way to the road, and began walking along it. In hindsight, it was a shit idea, Clay would have definitely had someone searching for me on the road and I was right.

It was eerily quiet, back in the direction of the blonds house which was far way now, I still saw torch beams darting around randomly, and confidently knew that they couldn't see me from here.
But two of the lights was growing faster, way faster than any human running could achieve and I instantly knew it was some kind of car.

Before it got too close I bounded back in between the trees, falling down behind a toppled log. But it was too late, the headlight had caught me as I ran off and the car pulled up about 10 feet away from where I was on the road. About half a dozen men jumped out, one of which was leading a dog. I heard shouts from all of them:

"I saw someone run this way!"

"It has too be this George kid right, who else would be out here?"

"Try and get the dog to catch his scent!"

"Spread out and find him!"

"Just remember to only shoot if necessary."

Some of the things they shouted were directed with me...

"George we know you're here somewhere!"

"Come out with your hands up and we won't hurt you!"

I ignored them all. Trying to shrink against the log so they wouldn't see me moving. 7 shadowy figures walked past, only one of the people were holding a gun, armed with tranquilizer darts presumably. The dog was sniffing the air and wagging it's tail eagerly. Suddenly its head swirled in my direction, and in response the 6 men all turned and shine their torches in my direction, the man with the gun held it poised.

The bright beam hit my eyes and I squinted trying to make out what I saw as they began shouting excitedly and running in my direction. Instinctively I stood up and began running, somehow becoming the most agile I have ever been in a matter of seconds. However they were faster then I was and one managed to tackle me to the ground.

"Caught him!" He announced as his companions surrounded me.
I let out heavy breaths as my eyes scanned over all of them, although it was difficult with all the torches pointed at my face. As the man held me down for a moment, catching his breath, a wet nose stuck itself in my face and began sniffing me curiously.
Finally the man on top of me stood up and grabbed my hands, pulling me up and allowing me to breath. The group surrounded me with the dog still sniffing at my legs.

They surrounded me creating a hexagonal shape and I noticed a large tree nearby that I could easily climb, but bigger men with their builds would find it more difficult.
If I ran fast enough I could get there before they got me. I took a deep breath as I twisted my hands quickly out of the grasp of the man who was holding me, after kicking him in the shin for good measure I sprinted off towards the tree.

Although they were all faster then me I got to the base of the tree before they grabbed me. With a large jump I managed to grab a branch and using all my strength I pulled myself up. Maybe I should have done more pull ups in the school gym, I thought at the sextet surrounded the base of the tree. They could have easily reached me but I, and they, probably felt that if they did that I'd end up with a concussion, or something worse.

The man with the gun obviously didn't think that though, and I felt a sharp pain hitting me in my shoulder blade. I could tell I was about to go unconscious and felt my arms grow weaker. Beneath me the men saw what was going to happen and gathered around under me, as I lost my grip they collectively caught me before passing me onto the biggest of the group. No longer did I try to run or fight back and just let him carry me back to their car, and hop into the back holding me.

That is the last thing I remembered.

Clay POV.

How far could the brunette have gotten? I had honestly expected my men to have found him by now but it was now 1 in the morning and the manhunt still continued. Worriedly, I glanced out of the window and could hear faint shouts, before one of the trucks I had sent out pulled up in front of the house.

I stood expectantly as one of the men pushed open the door without bothering to knock, and a second man carried George in his arms. He was unconscious, but I was happy to finally have found them, and tenderly, pulled him into my arms and looked up at the pair of men. More stood outside surrounding the car and I nodded a thank you to them before they turned and left, shutting the door as they did so.

My arms tightened securely around the Brit and I began carrying him down the hall, not to his room but too mine. I lowered him on the bed and began taking his clothes off and changing him. First I pulled off his shoes and black hoodie, followed by his shirt and jeans.
I couldn't be bothered going to his room to get him something to wear so I just went to my closet and got changed, before coming back and pulling a comfortable shirt over his body. It was my size but went almost to his shins, then the sleeves swallowed his hands.

Before I climbed into the bed beside him I sneakily took a photo, he looked adorable wearing that and it made him look like a small child. I sighed happily and lay down beside him, before pulling the small boy against me.
As I drifted off to sleep I couldn't help but smell his hair slightly, whatever shampoo he used made it smell strangely of apples, which I thought was wonderful and I nuzzled in closer to him.

I did promise that George would be back by morning and I kept it.
From now on he won't be given the opportunity to escape again.
1482 words.

For more information on George and Clay in this story I have made a post explaining them both under conversations on my profile page.

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