Chapter 18: the test

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Yes, I am finally continuing this thanks to some inspiration from iikxtezz

So be sure to thank them.
George POV.

"Well Georgie, if you want to prove you aren't a criminal then here is a lie detector test to prove it." Clay gestured for me to sit at the end of the table before heading to the other end of the table and sitting down.

I didn't try to hide or cover the glare I sent him as he watched the police officer fiddling with the machine. Eventually the officer nodded at Clay signalling he was ready. Both he and the blond turned their heads to look at me as the officer spoke.

"So George, I have the machine set up and I want you to tell us something simple that's true to make sure it's set up properly."
I sighed, "do I really have to do this? I mean what right does Clay have to kidnap me and get a cop to give me a lie detector test?"

The officer didn't respond, and instead just waited for me to say something that's true. Finally I sighed and spoke, "my... favourite colour is... blue."
All three of us watched as the light stayed off, signalling I was telling the truth.
"Now can you tell us a lie?" The officer continued.
I sent a glare in the direction of the blond, "I do not want to punch Clay right now," I said through gritted teeth.

Immediately the light turned red and Clay let out a small gulp, "thanks for that," he mumbled.
The police officer beside him made a few more adjustments to the lie detector before taking a step back, signalling Clay could ask what he wanted.

The blond ran his hand through his hair a few times before speaking, "George... Are you or your parents part of a European mafia?"
I listened to his question as my eyes widened and I immediately let out a quiet chuckle, Clay really thought I was in a mafia? And people say that he's smart.
Clay raised an eyebrow at my reaction before I looked over to him, "no. I am not part of a mafia, why would you think that?" I couldn't help but let out a series of laughs.

Opposite me, Clay let out an awkward chuckle when the light didn't flash on the lie detector before continuing. "Is your family all part of a mob then, or a gang?"
"Yes definitely, we have connections with both of those," I replied, sarcasm lacing all my words.
For a moment he believed me but when the light flickered red he let out a relieved sigh.

Clay POV.

So it turns out I was wrong for the first time in my life, George is not in a gang, or in a mafia, or in a mob. But since he was still here and since I have a lie detector I am obviously going to use it first.

"Well if your parents aren't in the mafia what do they do, how did they afford to send you to Saint Richard's academy?" The question sounded a lot more accusing than would have I wanted it too.
"Is it really that important for you to know?" George asked back.

The light turned red.

"If you want to leave you answer the question first Georgie."
"Do you have to keep calling me Georgie?" He asked as he slammed his hands into the table.
George kept avoiding the question but I answered his one nonetheless. "Yes I do."
The Brit sighed when the light didn't change colour.

"Now answer if you want to leave Georgie."
He let out a disgruntled huff, "they work..." he paused an sighed, "they work as measly office employees, my mother gave birth as a teenager and neither really liked me, so they saved up money to have me sent over here so they wouldn't have to put up with me anymore."

The brunette hung his shoulders and his brown hair covered his eyes which were glistening with tears. I let an a quiet gasp which he seemed to acknowledge but not care about as he shifted on his chair uneasily.

I now knew why he hadn't talked about it, it would be extremely embarrassing if everyone around you had fortunes in the millions while you only had some in the thousands, maybe not even that.

The police officer tried to help by grabbing a box of tissues and placing it beside the brunette before walking out of the room. George shakily grabbed some and dabbed the tears away from his eyes before looking back up at me.

His voice sounded cold when he spoke, although he had appeared to calm down slightly "so do you have any other questions now?"
"One..." I lost control of myself as a smirk formed on my face. "... Do you have a crush on anyone?"

Why the fuck did I ask that? He just confessed something that could get him humiliated at school and now I'm asking about his crush? I tried to keep a neutral expression that didn't show the fact I was contemplating this.

George raised an eyebrow, "why does it matter to you if I have a crush or not?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "just curious, that's all."
"No I don't."

The light flickered red and I saw his eyes widen slightly, my smirk widened.
"So you do have one. Who is it Georgie, can you tell me? Is it someone that I know?"
George refused to speak, probably worried that the machine would contradict whatever he said.

"Come on Georgie, you can tell me," I smugly spoke as I stood up from my chair and walked over to him.
The brunette kept his eyes focused on the ground as I smirked down at him.

When he refused to look up at me my finger hooked under his chin, pulling his gaze gently upwards, "come on Georgie who is it?"
His chin was being held in my hand but he shook his head.
"Fine, I'll make this easier, is it a guy?"

Still no response, I let out a sigh, "answer this and you can go back home... to the school, not my place."
"It's... It's a guy." George mumbled quietly with his chin still resting in my hand.

My eyes flickered over to the lie detector and I saw he was telling the truth, when I looked back I saw George's face was bright red and still staring at the ground.
My thumb ran across his lips and he looked up miserably to meet my eyes, I took a wild guess.
"Is you crush... me?"

The brunette shook his head but refused to speak, that defeats the purpose of the lie detector. "Words Georgie," I spoke quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.
"N-no it's not you."

He stands and leaves before I could even comprehend what he had said, and I turned around and see that the light was red.

By the time I got to the door to try and follow him he was out of sight, and I sighed, knowing that I fucked up.
1197 words.

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