Chapter 24: omelets and sex talk

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Best combination if I say so myself.

And iikxtezz doesn't give me names for these either.
Clay POV

“Good morning, George.” I said, making an omelet in George’s dorm kitchen. A deep red blush covered his face.
“Um… h-hi.” He stuttered, before quickly looking away.
I smirked to myself at his adorable behavior before I continued to make the omelets. “Breakfast… is served.” I announced, setting the two plates down on the small table in the dorm.

I guess that George really liked omelets, because he wolfed what I had given him down in seconds. “I guess that you must be hungry.” I commented, watching with an amused smile. "If you want some more I can get you another plate."
“Last night I burned a lot of calories.” He said casually while refusing to meet my gaze. It was now my turn to blush, I looked away, trying not to smile.

He chuckled and relaxed against his chair. “Hm, I guess I’m the dominant one now in this… whatever it is.” George said smugly, although it was clear that he knew that this would immediately piss me off and it worked.
“George, you are not the dominant one here.” I retorted, giving him a glare. He got off from his seat and made his way over to where I stood.

Confusion clouded my thoughts, “George? W-what are you doing?” I asked, backing up as well. It wasn’t long until I couldn’t back up anymore, I quickly backed up into a wall. He got closer to me and my breathing pace picked up, face red with embarrassment.
George chuckled, “Look at you, pathetic near me, cornered into a wall and a blushing mess.” I gulped, he stood right in front of me, brown eyes staring into my soul.

He pushed his knee in between my legs. I struggled to contain a whimper as his face got closer to mine. “You aren’t the only dominant one here, Clay,” he spoke in a low, seductive tone which sent waves of excitement through my body. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to kiss me, but it never happened. He pulled himself away from me and the rush of excitement in me were replaced with an annoyed and flustered shiver.

“What the hell was that for!?” I asked, absolutely flabbergasted. He let out a hysterical, malicious laugh,
“I had to assert dominance because you couldn’t accept that I am a dominant person as well. Although it seems as if you aren’t as dominant as you say you are Mr billionaire.” He teased me.
I rolled my eyes, “I’m only submissive for you.” I teased back.

The brunette blushed again, which made me feel good about myself, knowing I wasn't the only one to act submissive from time to time. “Shut up…” he muttered, covering his face with his hands out of embarrassment. It was honestly cute. But it fell into a bit of an awkward silence for a little while. I cleared my throat, telling him that I needed to get home. George looked visibly disappointed and my heart fluttered a bit, he definitely liked me back- I think at least. “Okay Clay, can I walk with you to your car?” He asked.

I smiled before responding in a peppy tone, “Of course Georgie!” He rolled his eyes playfully at the nickname but shuffled his slippers on and opened the door to his dorm. We walked down the long hall in the dorm building which consisted of one too many dorm rooms that no one ever used, stepped into the elevator, and George pressed the button which led to ground level where my car was parked.

The ride down was very calming and quiet while the little elevator music played to keep us from total silence. We walked through the barren parking lot in silence, not an awkward one like earlier in his dorm room, but a calming one. As we stopped in front of my car, George hugged me, “Goodbye Clay.” He said in a disappointed voice.

I raised my eyebrows and grew confused, “What do you mean? I won’t be gone forever, you will see me again tomorrow. I promise you that.” I said playfully, trying to get his mood back to being optimistic and upbeat. It made me feel terrible when I saw him distraught. He was still tightly latched on to me and I thought for a second that he was crying because it felt like my shirt was getting wet.

He nodded sulkily and turned away, walking into the distance and back to the front doors of the building, saying one last thank you for the pile of gifts I had brought the day before. I sighed and stepped into my car, turning it on and driving out of the parking lot, out of the school, and back home. On the ride home, my mind was a mess of “was last night for nothing?” And “what if he hates me now?”

Once I rushed into my mansion and shut the door behind me, I immediately pulled my phone out and called the person that I knew who could help me the most. Nick. It rang for a few seconds and I began pacing around the room. Once he picked up, “Clay, it’s 10 in the fucking morning… why would you call-“
I cut Nick off before he could rant about his ever important sleep schedule. “George and I had sex.” I said bluntly and nervously.

You could hear frantic shuffling of bedsheets on the other side of the call, signaling that he probably sat up really fast. “WHAT?!” Nick shrieked into the phone, like an excited teenage white girl. I had to hold it away from my ear to try and prevent me from going deaf.

“W-well we didn’t have sex like… you know… we just sucked-“ I tried to explain, stammering out words and not knowing if I was making the situation better or worse.
Just like I did to him, he cut me off. “I don’t want to know the damn details, Clay, what the fuck.” Nick responded. I winced a bit, he didn’t sound disgusted but extremely startled.

“I know I’m sorry, but I really, really, really need help with something.” I said desperately, picking at my fingernails, an unhealthy habit I had been trying to ditch since I was a teen.
He sighed, and the sound of bedsheets moving around on the other end of the line made me feel like he was getting up to go somewhere, probably to help me since he knew I'd probably need it. “What do you need?” Nick asked.

“I really want George to be my boyfriend because what happened between us... if you exclude the part where I thought he was in a European mafia and kidnapped him... really meant a lot to me. I want to ask him out but I don’t know how, or even if he likes me back” I said finally, getting to my point.

Nick groaned, “You are so hopeless, fine, I’ll come over at noon to help you brainstorm what to do. And don't do anything stupid before then, since I know you probably will.”
I smiled, reassuring him that I won't. “Okay thank you so much, see you later!”
Nick chuckled, “Make sure to order pizza for my troubles, see you later asshole.” And he hung up.

I was grinning from ear to ear. I giddily skipped over to the couch in one of my many living rooms and sat down. Maybe I would finally be able to finally be with the boy of my dreams.

I could hardly wait.
1286 words

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