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                                      - platonic -
              [TW possession, vomiting, passing out]
Zak, Nick and Aaron were investigating the Balfore, a closed down hunted hospital in California. It was a cold breezy night, the full moon being the only source of light. Lockdown had already started, the three where wandering through the long, dark hallways, occasionally bumping into stuff. They walked into a room, apparently there is a ghost called Maggie hunting that room, she supposedly died from a stroke.
"Maggie?" Zak called, the words bouncing off the walls and echoing down the hallway. Turning to face the camera, he pulled out a digital recorder.
"Maggie? Are you here with us?" He called again, looking around the dark room.
"Dude-" Aaron raised his voice "is it just me or did it get really cold all of a sudden?" Nick who was standing next to Aaron, holding the camera nodded slowly. Zak replayed the recorder hearing him call out for Maggie.
"..I am here.." a quiet voice whispered through the device.
"Yo dude-" Zak gasped, he walked over towards the other two "listen to this!" He replayed it again, both of them hearing the clear "I am here".
"Yooo dude!" Aaron exclaimed.
"Ok Maggie" Zak spoke into the recorder "how did you die?" Waiting a couple seconds he replayed the audio.
"Ok Maggie...how did you die?"
Zak lifted his head up, facing the other two investigators, a wide grin plastered on his face.
"Dude that's insane, it's so clear too" Aaron gasped.
They tried again to contact Maggie again but she seemed to have just disappeared, that happens a lot, the paranormal only do stuff when they want to. Satisfied with their evidence, they made there way down to the morgue where a malicious entity is said to lurk. The three walked down a damp tunnel under the main building.
"So this is were they took the deceased, they rolled them down this tunnel and into the morgue" Zak said, the cold breeze of the tunnel brushing against their skin. Aaron opened the wide doors leading into the morgue. The room was small, windows sat near the roof letting the dim light of the moon in. like you'd see in a basement. There was a rusty old metal table right of the door, the old cremation stuff was at the back wall, facing them. As soon as they stepped into the room, the air felt heavy.
"Do you guys feel that?" Nick spoke up, panning the camera around the room.
"Yeah, it feels heavy in here" Aaron replied. Zak looked around the room.
"Do you guys feel like you're being watched?" He asked turning around on his heel. Both Aaron and Nick shook their heads. Zak turned around looking about the room. He felt a presence grow closer towards him.
"Ah fUck-" Zak jumped.
"You okay man?" Aaron asked.
"Something just touched my head" Zak breathed out "wait scratch that...I can feel it" he sounded a tad more panicked at the end of that sentence.
"Feel what?" Aaron asked again.
"I don't..know it feels like it's on me you know?" Like something dark is on me" Zak felt a blockage form in his throat, his body was turning cold, he couldn't feel his limbs anymore.
"Zak?" Nick asked.
"I-I can't move" he could barely breath.
"Fuck shit Aaron hold this" Nick practically shoved the camera into Aaron's hands.
"Zak?" Nick walked closer towards the shorter man.
"Zak!" Nick snapped, a whine escaped the shorter mans lips, his eyes starting to tear up a bit.
"Zak buddy" Nick cupped Zak face in his hands "listen to me, you are stronger then that thing yeah? Come on fight it" Nick spoke softly. Zak could feel this powerful entity taking over, he was barely breathing. He felt like he was gonna die.
"Zak come on you're stronger then it! Fight it off! Don't let it take over" Nick raised his voice a bit. Even though Zak was paralyzed to the spot, Nick could feel him start to sway a bit.
"Come on Zak I believe in you! Don't let it take over!" Nick pleaded. Zak could feel his lungs screaming for air, his knees were starting to buckle.
Nick watched as his friends eyes dropped closed, his body starting to sway a bit more before Nick had to catch him. Nick lay Zak down on the concrete floor.
"...is he breathing?" He heard Aaron's voice shake.
"Shit" Nick whispered "we need to get him out of here" Nick lifted Zak up, bridal style and walked out of the morgue, Aaron following behind quickly and shutting the door. Zak's eyes shot open and he fell into a coughing fit, Nick put him back on the ground and knelt next to him, rubbing his back in circles.
"Go get his inhaler" Nick ordered Aaron, who set down the camera and ran off to find it.
Zak spewed up his last meal that he ate onto the cold tunnel floor.
"Hey hey you're okay, you're okay" Nick reassured Zak. The shorter managed to stop coughing, and leant onto Nick, he had lost all his energy.
"C-can we go please?" Zaks hoarse yet broken voice spoke out quietly.
"Aaron's gone to get your inhaler" Nick said softly "he will be back soon"
"p-please Nick...I wann-a go" Zaks eyes were filled with tears, some trickling down his cheeks.
"Hey hey it's okay" Nick wiped away Zaks tears with his thumb "we will leave, very very soon okay?"
Zak nodded.
They heard quick footsteps echoing from down the hallway, Zak leaned into Nick a bit more, until a very out of breath Aaron appeared, handing Zak his inhaler. Zak took it.
"Come on let's get going" Nick slowly stood up, pulling Zak up gently, Aaron went to pick up the camera. Nick gently tugged Zak along, holding his hand gently. When they got out the building and into the car, Zak in the back so he could sleep and get his energy back, Nick in the front, while Aaron quickly grabbed a couple equipment they left in the hospital.
"Go to sleep Zak" Nick said softly. While Zak just shook his head, they both know the nightmares from that experience will be horrible.
"Nothing bad will happen, I'm here, I'll protect you, I'll wake you if anything happens" nick smiled, Zak smiled back. Laying down, Zak closed his eyes, still holding Nicks hand. The taller watched as the shorter fell asleep. Aaron hoped into the car, looking over at Zak he smiled. Sometimes it's nice to know your friend is safe.

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