Ladies and gentlemen, i introduce the selfish machine

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                                  [demon Zak]
Aaron knocked on the hard wood door, readjusting his bag on his back, the door opened with a loud creek.
"Aaron!" Nick greeted.
"Hey dude" Aaron smiled.
"You got the stuff yeah?" Nick asked, moving out the way to let Aaron inside.
"Hell yeah, tonight's gonna be a blast!" he giggled. Nick shut the door, walking down the thin hallway and into the living room, Aaron following.
"So" Nick sat down on the black fuzzy sofa "I've got a plan for tonight" he smiled.
"Really?" Aaron set his bag down next to the sofa, flopping ontop of it "what ya got planned?"
"Well...I was thinking we could watch horror movies and then you the ouija board"
"Sounds good, I brought an evp reader and a couple other things" Aaron smiled.
"What movie should we watch?" Nick asked, leaning forward to grab the tv remote.
"Hmmm... how about the conjuring?"
"Never seen it but I've heard it's good" Nick said, pulling Netflix up. They watched horror movies well into the night, starting with the conjuring and ending with the grudge. As it neared 1am, Aaron and Nick got up to set the ouija board up.

"So" Nick sat down "you ever done the ouija board before?" He asked, now lighting a candle and placing it down on the wooden floor. Aaron sat across from him, lighting another candle.
"Yeah once with billy and jay"
"Cool cool, so should we just dive in?" Nick asked, placing his fingers on the planchette.
"Sure" Aaron placed his fingers on the planchette, looking over at Nick.
"Is there any spirits here with us?" Nick asked, looking at Aaron. Nothing happened.
"If there is any spirits here, we would like you to communicate with us" he said again, his tone more confident. Nothing happened.
"Dude I don't think this is gonna work" Aaron sighed. The room started to feel heavy as the planchette slowly started to move towards the yes on the board.
"Wow, you feel that?" Nick asked, goosebumps showing on his arms.
"Holy shit dude yeah!" Aaron exclaimed.
"Who's here with us? What's your name?" Nick asked. The planchette slowly moved down from the yes towards the Z.
"This better not be zozo" Aaron joked, nick giggling to it. The planchette moved from the Z towards and A.
"Ok so not zozo" Aaron whispered as the planchette hit K.
"Zak?" Nick asked "is that your name?" The planchette quickly moved to a yes.
"How did you die Zak?" Nick asked, feeling Aaron's  gaze on him. 
"Dude don't ask it that!" Aaron nearly shouted at Nick who was watching the planchette closely. It stood still, the room still felt heavy, only a tad bit heavier. It quickly darted towards a no.
"No?" Aaron asked obviously confused.
"I don't think it wants to tell us?" Nick guessed. The planchette slid of no and quickly back onto it.
"Ok so you don't want to tell us?" Nick asked. The planchette sat still then moved of and back on no.
"Whats it like being dead?" Aaron asked, changing the question. The planchette moved of no then back on no then quickly darted towards a D - E - A- D.
"Your...not dead?" Nick asked confused. Then he realized something.
"Do you want to hurt us?" He asked. The planchette sat still for a minute then towards a yes.
"Oh shit" Aaron exclaimed, realizing this is a bad spirit.
"Goodbye" nick said, moving the planchette down the board and setting it on goodbye. Both of them took their fingers of the planchette. Nick stood up to turn on the lights and Aaron blew out the four candles around them. The room was still heavy.
"Dude-" Aaron started.
"Wait Aaron...think about this for a said it wasn't dead and it didn't answer the death question"
"Wait are you saying..."
"Aaron I don't think it's human."  Nick paced around the room stopping directly in front of the ouija board. 
"It's a demon?" Aaron asked. Suddenly the room felt heavier then before and a strong sulfur smell appeared. The planchette flew of the board in the direction of yes, smacking of the wall.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!" Aaron screamed about to run out the room.
"Who are you?!" Nick shouted "get out of here!"
A loud laugh came from all around them.
"Nick we have to leave!" Aaron grabbed nicks arm about to drag  him out the room.
"No Aaron! Don't show your fear thats what they feed off of!"
"Nick are you insane?!?"
"Oi Zak! Get out of here you don't belong here!" Nick shouted.
"Sure~" a small growl came from around them "I do belong here, you just summoned me"
"No we didn't" Nick looked around.
"Hm I recall you talking to me" the voice came from right in front of the pair.
"Nick we gotta leave" Aaron tugged on nicks shirt.
"No aaron, show yourself you coward!"
The lights above them flickered as a black mist started to form in front of the two.
"Fuck Nick we need to leave!"
"Wait Aaron.." Nick whispered. As the mist started to form about 6ft high and took a human shape. Nick blinked and it was there, he could see it. Black spiky hair, long horns on its head, a tail with a spike on the end, large claws, sharp pointed teeth and it's lifeless...empty. Some black liquid trickled down its cheeks It smiled that them, the pointed teeth looks sharp enough the tear anything. Nick blinked again and it was gone, so was the pungent smell. It was calm again.
"What the fuck?!" WHAT THE FUCK??" Aaron screamed.
Nick stood staring at the spot the demon was last seen. It never appeared again the rest of the night.

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