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Izuku stood in front of the Bakugous' house, his hands were trembling as he rang the doorbell. This is a bad idea, why did he even take my homework from the math teacher? Then again, no one would have told me if I'd asked and--

The door buzzed, and he saw Katsuki opening the front door, standing there but holding nothing. Fuck, did he lie to get me here? But why? His steps felt heavy, his arm itched, and everything was just so loud as he walked. "'Bout time, you damn nerd. What the hell took you so long?"

What's it to you, he wanted to say but his lips were fixed in a tight line and now he was eye to eye with Katsuki, I shouldn't have come here. The blond stepped aside and looked down to see Izuku in those stupid dirty red shoes and sighed.

"The fuck you just standing there for? Inside, now." Demanding much, Kacchan? Izuku undid his laces, took off his shoes and walked inside; the sound of the front door closing made him jump, his shoulders tensed and suddenly, Katsuki's warm hand had a firm grip over his chin, Izuku held him by his wrist, I can't take it anymore--!

Katsuki turned his face to see his left cheek, and it finally dinged in Izuku's head. "What happened to your damn face?" He had a red handprint, almost encircling his entire cheek. His eyes glued to the floor in an instant, embarrassment and shame took over, and he couldn't answer, his hand let go of Katsuki's wrist.

"Fine, don't talk. But I'm gonna figure out what's going on with you," he put his hands in his pockets and started walking to the staircase, not bothering to call the greenette as the boy just stood there. In under a minute, he was back with papers.

"Here's the homework."

So he didn't lie... Katsuki gestured for him to take it but pulled his hand away the second Izuku reached for them, "Where were you today?"

"Home! Where else would I b-be?" Izuku answered, frustrated. He just wanted to get this over with, "You haven't been home for a week. We leave for school around the same time I see your ass leave your apartment when I put on my damn shoes. And I haven't seen you there since Friday."

Izuku gulped, "And I know for a fact that no one messed with you this week because I know sure as hell I didn't and you've been showing up with more bruises-"

He jumped to reach for the papers, whatever means to avoid the conversation but Katsuki grabbed his upper arm where he was injured last night and made him yelp. "Fuck! Let go of my arm! Just give me the papers, why do you even care?!"

Katsuki stared at his sleeve, there were bits of red forming and he could've sworn he felt bandages so he let go and threw the papers aside and grasped Izuku's collar, "The fuck makes you think you can yell at me, know your damn place, moron! And just to be clear, I don't give a flying fuck about you!"

Izuku could feel his hot breath against his face, Katsuki was straight up screaming at his face and it pissed him off, as if on instinct, he grabbed the blond's collar and headbutted him, when he felt Katsuki's grasp loosen, he pushed him off and ducked before he got a right hook bruising his face any further.

"You damn rat!" Katsuki was holding his nose, Izuku saw blood dripping down the floor through the other's fingers as he snatched the papers and made a run for the door while the blond was distracted but just as he reached for the handle, he was pulled back by his hood, the move chocking him.

"Oh I ain't done with you yet, Deku."

"Get-- Get your hands off of me or I swear to god-"

When he turned to see Katsuki's face, his nose busted up and his fangs showing with narrow eyes, Izuku kicked his leg and hit his ankle, knocking him down to his knees and making him let go of his hood "Or what, if you could fight back this whole time then why just take the shit we give you in school, huh?!"

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