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The next morning, while everyone was in the gym, William came in and all eyes turned to him.

Will: "Alright fuckers. Line up. I want to make sure you're all here." He said while pulling out a clipboard.

A few confused looks were sent his way before everyone lined up. After a few minutes, William got to the last people he need to count, Karasuno.

Will: "Daichi, Sugawara, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Tanaka...where's Hinata?"

The boys looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders.

William: "Oh right. He's dead." He said in the most monotone and non caring voice someone could pull off while yeeting the clipboard behind him. That certainly got some reactions out of the guys.

Kuroo: "Wait. S-say that again."

Will: "You lot haven't heard? Hinata both slit his wrists and overdosed on, what was it? I think they were, fucking...jellybeans...skittles...oh wait, it was pills. He overdosed on pills yesterday."

The teams looked at him in shock before Kenma came forward, tears in his eyes.

Kenma: "S-shoyo's dead?"

Will: "Yep. He's gone." He kept his monotone voice, making it sound like he doesn't care. That sure as hell pissed them off. Oikawa stepped forward and attempted to grab the cherry by his shoulders, but failed.


That earned Oikawa a very painful twist on his wrist, making him fall to the floor.

Will: "Well I wasn't the fucking one to drive him to kill himself in the first place, now was I? If I recall, it was all of you who pushed him to the edge."

Some of the kids started to bawl while some silently cried. Having enough of their bullshit, William glared at them, gaining their attention and building their fear towards him.

Will: "Do. Not. Cry. This is entirely your guys' fault. You don't deserve the right to cry for him since you now only care since he's gone. If ANY of you start crying again, everyone's gonna run 1,000 laps around the building. Do. I. Make. My. Self. Fucking. Clear?"

All they felt was pure wrath, anger, and hatred flowing out of the small boy. He may be smaller than literally everyone there, but this new aura, not his menacing one, could put them all six feet under in a heartbeat. This was an entirely new level of terrifying, and that definitely helped get his point across. They all nodded as he left the gym, them still crying.

No one really had the motivation to play anymore, so as the day progressed, William sat around immensely bored. Eventually he made them play, but it was really sloppy. At some point Terushima came up to him.

Teru: "So Hinata isn't dead right?"

Will: "Well you saw him leave to go do whatever the fuck he does usually, so you have your answer already. Why are you asking me?"

Teru: "I just don't believe this is all real. That's all."

Will: "That's understandable."

The two watched as Yamata entered the gym and looked much happier than usual. Terushima looked a bit confused before he turned to William, only to step back when he saw the deadly aura coming off of him.

Teru: "S-so why are you glaring at him like that?" He asked as he pointed to Yamata.

Will: "It's all that bitch's fault that any of this happened. He hated Hinata for whatever reason, I don't give a shit, and tried to get all of you to hate him."

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