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After a few matches with the other schools, it was time to eat. Hinata sat next to the Miya Twins, Goshiki, Semi, and Shirabu. They were talking about some random things when Bokuto and Kuroo suggested that they head down to the beach that was nearby, to which everyone agreed, albeit some were practically forced to come. Hinata was excited, since he knows that this is a great opportunity to get everyone to simp over him more. The demon part of him was laughing manically, while the angel part of him just laughed silently.

After about 20 minutes, the large group had arrived at the beach. It was beautiful to say the least. The soft waves coming to the shore occasionally, the bright sand spread everywhere, and there weren't many people here either. That made Hinata even happier, since he can be an even bigger flirt, going a bit farther than usual with his teasing.

"It's so pretty out here!" Hinata shouted, eyes sparkling while looking around. Everyone thought he looked like a little child, which was really cute.

"It sure is. Let's go and have some fun!" Oikawa shouted, everyone shouting in agreement.

Hinata was the first to get in the water, running as fast as he could to get there, wanting to beat everyone else. He practically belly flopped into the water, face full of glee, going deeper into the water, not noticing the others coming. He went deeper and deeper until he was at a point where he couldn't see the bottom. He then looked back, seeing the other guys waving to him, before he swam back.

"You dumbass, don't go that far!" Kageyama told him, whacking him upside his head.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" Laughed out Hinata, making Kageyama turn his head and blush.


After a few hours of swimming, playing beach volleyball, and other games, the guys went back to the building to get lunch, though Hinata stayed behind. His excuse was that he wanted to go swimming more, to which, with a bit of hesitation, the others let him.

He got into the water, went back to the deep area he went to before, got out his wings, and shot down to the bottom. He discovered a coral reef way below, which was surprising since he thought it would be more towards the surface. There were many colorful fish down there, even a few sharks, which were really cool. He kept on going down, until he got to the sandy bottom. Then, in one powerful flap of his wings and a jump, he shot up at an insane speed, not being held back by the properties of the water.

He shot into the sky, going all the way to the cloud line, before stopping and falling backwards. A rush of adrenaline flowed into the Overlord's veins, and he couldn't help but feel happy. He then flew over the building that everyone else was in, dive bombing towards it. He made himself invisible before landing to make sure no one saw him.

He walked around from the back and saw everyone enjoying a bbq meal.

"Hey, you're back Hinata!" Lev exclaimed, catching everyone's attention.

"Heyo everyone!" Hinata shouted, a large smile on his face, once again making everyone blush. He then sat down and ate his food, talking to Kenma and Kuroo, before Coach Ukai came out with an announcement.

"When you're all done, come back inside. I want you guys to meet someone." He told them all. They finished up quickly before going inside. Once there, they saw a tall boy with brown hair and green eyes.

"Everyone, this is Yamata Suruki. He's joining the Karasuno team." Takeada told them all. A round of hai's came out, before they all turned their attention back to Hinata, making the new boy upset.

'They all seem to be fawning over that orange haired brat. That needs to end.' Yamata thought, devising a plan to mess up the tangerine. Little did he know, he was about to get into a situation with the Supreme Overlord of the Amoebaverse.

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