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I hate waking up to the same repetitive life. It's the same routine everyday, it rarely changes.

Get up, eat, wonder why the word is so messed up, eat again, and then go back to sleep.

I just want some change, I want to actually live, rather than just to watch. Everyday I look outside of my window, watching, waiting. For what? Waiting for change?

Change will only happen if I force it to, so instead of lying around all day in my room moping about my boring life, I force myself out of bed, out of my house, and into the open where the change happens.

I'm not so sure what I want to change, my whole life maybe? But staying in my room all day isn't going to help with anything.

I run out my front door, slamming it shut behind me as I walk down the steps of my porch, breathing in the crisp morning air.

I can hear the faint hum of several cars around me as they slowly drive down the abandoned streets, the exhaust from their engines filling and polluting the air.

I frown and lift my hand up to shade the sun that shines in my eyes as I walk into the local park, the only park that exists in my town.

It's practically dead, no children swinging on the swings, no couples holding hands and laughing as they bask in the sun, absolutely nothing, just the faint breeze, and myself.

I kind of like it here. A place where I can just think, so that's exactly what I do.

Why is this world so cruel, why is it so unworthy?

I just want to run away from everything. The rules, the officials, the negativity, all of it.

I almost want to light a match and burn everything in the world, no one deserves the cruel life us humans are put through.

It's not like we have a choice to live, it just kind of hits you in the face.

"You're here on earth, and it's complete bull shit, deal with it," Life basically tells you, and suddenly I start to wonder what life really is.

Happiness? Joy? Freedom?

No. None of those things. You just exist and you have to put up with it.

I kick the damp grass that I stand on, and I kick it rather hard, tiny fragments of it flying into the cold air.

I let out a little laugh at my mini-rage as I shake my head and look down at my feet.

"What are you laughing at?"

I jump at the sound of the voice, I guess somebody was in the park after all.

"You scared me!" I yell jokingly to the person behind me as I pressed my hand to my chest, still startled. I slowly start to turn around, and when I recognize the person standing a few feet away from me, my tense shoulders relax and I let out a deep breath.

"Landon?" I question, not believing my own eyes.

When a familiar smirk settled upon his face and he started doing the little dance that our old teacher taught us back in dance class when we were younger, it completely confirmed that it was in fact him, and before I knew it I was running towards him to give him the biggest hug I had ever given anyone. I wrap my arms around him and I smile and laugh when his arms wrap back around me.

"Where the hell have you been? I haven't seen you in years!" I say while still hugging him, resting my head on his shoulder.

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