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For the first time, I actually walk into the forest, rather than run.

It amazes me every time I walk into this woodland, how something can be so beautiful yet so haunting at the same time, I adore it so much, though I'm not quite sure why.

Damp twigs snap in half as I walk over them, causing some of the birds that peacefully rest on the tree branches to fly away from the loud noises that have just been created by my lazy footsteps.

A state of serenity and haziness completely overtake my timid mind as I stare at the nature that surrounds me, a compelling sensation filling my senses. My head turns to hear the soft sound of a flock of birds chirping while they swiftly glide through the crisp, thin air. The sound was so inaudible that it didn't even sound as if it was there.

With the book that John gave me still in my hand, I walk over to a large pine tree, sitting down and leaning my back against the stump, crossing my legs and peering into the tiny book.

The early ages, a period in time that everyone is forbidden to talk about nowadays. It was a time period that lasted from 1900 till 1992, before the laws of a perfect society ceased to exist. Many people called it the "freedom ages", where there was much more freedom than people have currently. Children went to school, a place where they got educated and earned their wisdom. People were able to show their flaws, and a lot of things that everyone is banned from doing today were permitted back then. Everything was normal up until James Heathy was declared as "Leader of the World", and believed that in order to make the human race last for thousands of years, everyone and everything must be perfect because flaws were draining the humans from happiness at the time. From then on, humans were never to be seen with a flaw again, and a new set of rules were composed."

I sit there in shock, glaring down at the paragraph that just read, an expression of anger written across my face.

I don't even bother reading the next paragraph, this information is a lot to take in.

I start to feel envy towards this "James Heathy" guy, clenching my jaw and making a fist with my hands. He took away our hard earned freedom, and never gave it back.

We are stuck like this, in this shitty society for the rest of our lives. It doesn't even make sense because flaws are still draining humans from happiness, or at least they are with me.


My thoughts completely evaporate into thin air as I glance to the side on my right where the sound came from, only to look just in time to see Harry tripping over a root that peaks out from under a tree, his body plummeting to the ground.

"What the..." I try to stifle my laughs at the sight, the thick spots of mud that have now transferred onto his white t-shirt clearly standing out.

"Wow. I just washed this shirt too," He swipes his hand over the mud, trying to get rid of the brown stains, but he has no luck, flicking the remaining pieces of mud off of his hands.

"Nice one," I grin at him, still slightly laughing.

"Thanks. I actually like the mud, it goes with my boots," he says, a corner of his mouth lifting up into a small smile.

"Sarcastic now, are we?" I raise an eyebrow. He didn't seem to be the sarcastic type.

"Just a tad," he grins.

He walks over to the spot that I sit in, just standing there for a few moments before sitting right beside me on the ground.

"You come here a lot." He says, turning his head towards me as I look at the pine needles that fall from the trees above.

"I could say the same to you." I say to him as I lean over to pick at the laces on my shoes, tying them and then untying them again, repeating the action several times.

"You could. I wouldn't deny it either," He gets back up onto his feet again, walking over to a sea of different types of plants, daises, roses, ferns, you name it, its there.

I hear the sound of a bush rustling and I look over at Harry to see that he is trying to rip off a branch from bush.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"I don't know, you're pulling off a branch from a bush I'm guessing."

"Correct! One hundred points for you!" He says, still struggling with the bush.

"Come help me, would you?" He says in an flat, emotionless tone.

"Only if you say please."

 He snarls still struggling with the bush. 

"Its okay, I can handle this myself."

After 5 minutes of him trying and muttering "Ugh, fuck," several times under his breath, he finally rips the branch off out of the bush.

He staggers back, until he finally regains his balance with an expression of accomplishment written across his features.

He joins me again, laying on his back beside me, branch in hand, as he looks up at the sky and stares at the clouds for a few moments.

In the corner of my eye I can see him rip off one of the leaves. He leaves it in his hand for awhile, and out of nowhere he plops it into his mouth.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Do you ever wonder why humans have to brush their teeth so often?" He says, chewing the leaf, the crunching noise being the loudest sound in the forest.

"No, not really. What does that have to do with this conversation, why did you put that in your mouth?" I slightly laugh at his ridiculousness.

"Well the answer is because we eat so much junk. If you think about it, dogs, monkeys, elephants, or giraffes don't brush their teeth, but we do. We are the only animal that brush our teeth, isn't that weird? Why do we get cavities and all these teeth problems when we don't brush our teeth, but when other animals don't, nothing happens. It isn't fair, that we are forced to brush our teeth and they aren't, so I'm eating what the animals eat. Cows eat plants right? And they don't get cavities. They don't eat as much shit as we do either. Starting from now on, I am quitting the shit diet that every other human is doing and starting the Harry diet. I won't ever have to brush my teeth again." He grins widely, crossing his arm behind his head as he gulps down the leaf.

Is this boy insane?

At this point I'm not too sure if he is joking or being completely serious.

I burst out into a loud fit of laughter, and Harry parts his pink lips, a slow smile spreading across his face from my reaction. Eventually he joins me in my laughter, rolling his head back and squinting his eyes shut, our laughs colliding with one another and echoing throughout the entire forest.

I laugh even harder when he tries to talk again, and there is a piece of leaf stuck in the middle of his two front teeth, and we end up laughing until our faces turn bright red, and until the sun begins to fall beneath the horizon, and is no longer in our sight.

How did I end back in this crazy forest with a boy I barely know, who is sitting here with me in the dirt, eating leaves?

What I do know is that this boy has made me laugh more than I ever have in my whole life, even though I just met him, and in that moment, I no longer feel alone.

Hamara is their ship name by the way ;)

You know you're dedicated to writing when it's 10:31 PM and you still haven't studied for your French test that's worth 100 marks, because you'd rather write. #dedicatefolyfe. I think I'm about to write another chapter too bahaha. Screw French. Wattpad is more important ;)

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