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"Take him to the forest."

All it took was those five very words to completely break me, it all made sense now.

John was now an Insanity.

There was still apart of me that didn't understand one thing though, and that was where John had went. As soon as they slammed the needle into him, he disappeared out of nowhere, it seemed almost as if it was magic.

I wanted to cry, fight, and yell all at the same time. The emotions all colliding and mixing together at once caused me to feel overwhelmed and nauseous, I had to propel myself up my leaning against the bookshelf to prevent myself from falling over. I tried my best to silence my helpless weeps, reminding myself that if I got caught, the officials would likely inject the same kind of substance into me as they did with John, and I too would become an insanity.


The word repeated itself in my mind a numerous amount of times, so many times that I had lost track. I felt nothing anymore. Absolutely nothing. It was like nothing was there, no trace of emotion, just emptiness. I kept going back to the thought of what an insanity really is.

An insanity is a reject of society, one who is declared as completely insane, and one who is compelled of only complete and utter madness, who is locked up into the forest for eternity.

John is not insane. John is not a reject. I haven't known him for a long period of time, but I've spent enough time with him to know for a fact that he isn't the least bit crazy, he doesn't belong in that forest.

I glance in despair as I finally turn my attention back to the officials, subsiding all the raging thoughts that rang throughout my mind. The officials are now both crouched down to floor, looking like they are going to pick something up. I frown in confusion as they stand back up empty handed. They appear to be as if they are now holding something in their arms, but there is still nothing there.

They hastily start to walk towards the doorway, their bodies crouched over and their arms bent, still seeming like they are moving something that is invisible. One of them looks both ways, checking that no one is around outside before walking out the door and closing it shut, leaving me alone in the dark library.

I didn't know how to react, other than cry, and to slide down against the bookshelf until my body meets the cold, hard floor. I lie there helplessly, my cries and hiccups ringing through the small building, but I don't even care because it's not like anybody can hear me anyways.

I didn't even really know John, I'm not sure why this is affecting me so deeply. Maybe it's how the officials think they can prance around harming other people like it's nothing, but it's harming others more than they think. That's the thing, it's like they don't think at all, that they are their minds are minds of only blank and nothingness.

I wipe a lost tear that I hadn't even realized had fallen, and start to slowly propel myself upwards back on to my feet.

I walk towards the door, slightly stumbling over my own feet before opening it and breathing in the fresh air.

My eyes trace all over the scenery around me, not ignoring a single detail.

In the distance I can spot the tree tops of the trees that belong in the forest. The forest that I love so much. The forest that I can't be in.

I sigh, dropping my head downwards towards the floor, looking at anything but that. Looking at the trees only makes me want to wander in the forest even more, how can I miss a place so much even though its only been a day since I last went in?

I need to distract myself, I know that if I don't I'll just go back walking straight into there like nothing ever happened.

I carefully walk down the fragile steps that are sat just a few feet from the library door, grabbing the old metal railing for reassurance.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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