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"The ones who lurk within the trees of the woods are called the Insanities."

Was that who Harry was speaking to when he went inside the forest?

The Insanities?

I can't picture it. The rejects of society, trapped inside the lonely forest.

I have always wondered what happened to the insane, and now that I know, I think I might have been better off not knowing at all.

It said in the book that only the insane can see the insanities.

Could Harry be possibly...... insane?

I mean that's the only explanation for it all. Why else would he be talking to the Insanities, it's because he can see them.

I should be scared really, of the forest and of Harry but I don't feel a signal ounce of terror in my body.

What if he gets caught?

He will probably get thrown into the forest, just like the others did, and his disappearance would go unnoticed.

I flashback to two days ago when I went into the forest for the first time and I kept hearing whispers.

That's what was causing the commotion, the Insanities.

They also complimented on my blood stained dress at the time, weird.

Not really weird though, they must be used to saying things like that to whoever wanders into the forest, they're mental.

How could the officials be so cruel, you would at least think that they would build a mental institution where there would be any chance of them getting better but nope, they just toss them into the forbidden so they don't have to deal with them ever again.

After all, the paragraph did seem like some old myth that was made up by some random person. None of this could even be true, and I hope it's not.

I walk outside of the small, rustic library, pushing the old wooden door open.

I cringe as the door makes a loud creaking sound, it will most likely rot off of its hinges sooner or later.

I breathe in the fresh air and exhale, my breath coming out in clouds from how cold the temperature must be.

I look in the direction of the forest, once again, curious.

The dark green pine trees stand tall, surrounded by an eerie fog, making it look more terrifying than it actually is.

What if I go in there, just one more time? What if the Insanities do exist?

I groan as I ask myself those questions, this can't be happening, not again. 

This time I decide that I'm sticking my ground, I am not going in that forest. At least not for today, anyways.

I turn to walk away from the woodland, but it oddly enough it almost seems to lurk over my shoulder, like its calling to me.

No,  stop it Amara, you are NOT going in there again. Remember what has happened in there? You haven't even spent a long amount time in there and already you have memories from it that could haunt you for years.

I slowly turn back around, taking small steps toward the trees.

No. No. I repeat in my head several times.

My mind wanders elsewhere, as I foolishly end up sprinting to the forest, disappearing far into the sea of trees once again.

All the worries and fears that once invaded my mind instantly vanish and I feel at peace in this dense atmosphere. The familiar musky smell invades my nose, the gentle breeze glides through my hair and my heart beat matches the rhythm of my footsteps as I keep wandering deeper.

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