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Ibuki: *Sneaking in the hallways*

Ibuki: *Runs into celeste*

celeste:*Runs into miu*


miu: hello ladies...

celeste: hello...

ibuki: *in a horrible accent* twas a fine night to sneak in the halls i suppose

miu: yes

celeste: what the hell are you all doing up this late?

miu: i could ask you the same thing

ibuki: i was going to see mikan-

miu: oh...OH

ibuki: i- no... not like that

miu: mhm

ibuki: what are you doing

miu: going to see kaede is that a fucking problem you little abortion

ibuki: why are you so aggressive

celeste: well im going to see kyoko

*the door next to all of them opens*

kirumi: go the ✨fuck✨ to bed

ibuki: sorry

kirumi: oh no, ibuki your fine. I like you

kirumi: *intense mom voice* as for you two-

miu: eek

tsumigi from inside kirumis room: kirumi!


tsumigi: stop yelling at children! im t i r e d!

kirumi: sorry..

*turns around and sHUTS the door*

celeste: why the hell does she like ibuki

ibuki:*shrugs shoulders*

miu: i gotta go before tittles gets mad at me

celeste: are you talking about kaede?

miu: no..


ibuki: your loud

*kirumi opens the door

kirumi: *inhales* shutthehellup

*closes the door*

celeste: she really hates you

celeste: anyways yeah... i gotta go

ibuki: same

miu, ibuki, and celeste: this n e v e r happened *turn away and walk into their girlfriends room*

im tired

im tired

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miu, ibuki, and celeste doing shitWhere stories live. Discover now