Sue Miley, the Laughing Doll

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A clothed doll torso leans against the wall.

"Head, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg. This should be everything.." Sara says to herself.

"We're doing it...! Okay, I'll call the others!" Then Joe ran out of the Pink Room.


Everyone was gathered in the Pink Room, looking at the doll torso, in silence. Keiji broke it."Well now... We're finally doing it." Joe turns to Sou. "Hey, actually... Where have you even been?"

"Oh, just... found a hidden room."

"Sou...! You're okay!" Sara said in relief. "That's my line! ...Good, so everyone's safe."

"My heart is beating fast... What could possibly happen...?" Mishima sweat-dropped. "I got the door open just in case." (you idiot...)

"So our escape route's secured!"

"Well, onto the fateful moment... Let's roll."

Keiji skillfully attached the parts to the doll torso placed there... The right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg... And the head. Nothing's happening."

"Wait. You smell somethin'?"


"Hey... Is it just me, or is the room going white?!" Keiji's eyes went open after Joe said that. "It's gas...!"

Sou lifted his scarf to his mouth. "P-Poison...?! Not good... we need to leave the room...!"

But the white gas filled up the room in the blink of an eye. I covered my mouth as I felt someone clench my blazer.

'We're gonna die... Goodbye crual world..!'

"It's not poison gas, everyone, so please relax." A voice said. The gas cleared. We can see the Pink Room again. The person clenching to my blazer was Nao (I rolled a wheel) "Ahaha. Good day." The doll? said.

She has long brown hair that flips up at the end and frames her face. She has heterochromic eyes; her right red and left yellow.

Her outfit gives the overall impression of sweets. She wears a gray shirt under her brown dress and yellow kerchief. The bodice looks like melting chocolate and her long gloves match, though they look like they were dipped in yellow icing. Hee puffed-up skirt is two-layered; the top layer being red and the bottom brown.

She has a yellow ribbon loosely tied around her waist and a red ribbon around her neck. On her head, tipped slightly to the side, is a yellow melting crown with three brown dots near the tips.

"H... Huh?! Y... You're the doll?!" Joe exclaimed in shock. "Heeheehee... Yes, I am the doll that you just rescued. Advanced, am I not?"

"Haaaaah?! The hell's goin' on here?!" Reko said to the doll. "Ahaha. As it happens, I have revived to tell you what is happening, and support you through the trials and tribulations to come."

"Why is she laughing so much...?" I mutter Sou seem to hear me and scrugs.

"Stay away from me, you creepy-ass puppet!!"

"Ehehe. There's nothing to fear, you see? I will offer you all support..." Nao clenched on my blazer harder. "Ah... oogh... oooh..." I rubs her back, to make her feel better.

"Ahaha..." She sighs "Is there no one who can speak calmly" here?"

"I'll ask. Just what are you?" Sara asks calmly. I raise my hand. "I would also like to know." "Tell the friendly policeman too. I'm not really following here.."

"Ehehe. Then we'll begin with my introduction... Heehee. My name is Sue Miley, the Laughing Doll. I am the doll who will guide you on this floor. Ehee. My master has instructed me to guide you brave souls, who have overcome several trials, to the Main Game."

'Sue... Miley... Sue Miley... Smiley... OH I GET IT-'

Keiji looks to the side. "Your master... In other words, you're on the side of the kidnappers."

Joe points at Miley. "S... So you're our enemy?! Don't try and say you're not!!"

"Ahaha! How very serious! Ahaha!"

"Stop laughin', asshole!! You wanna die?!" (Maki who?)

"Heehee... I'd rather not... No, I wouldn't like to be all torn up again... Ehee... heehee... I know... I just have to tear you up first..." Reko's eyes went wide "Tear us up...?!"

"Ahahaha. As a warning, yes..." Miley said. Then a humming sound coming from Joe's collar... 'Joe...?'

Everyone looks at Joe. "...Wha?! M-My collar's... vibrating...!"

"Ehehe. Anyone will do, heehee. If it'll make you quiet..."

"...What did you do?!" Joe said, panicking. "Eheehee, what indeed?"

"Answer him!!" I exclaim. "Ahaha, oh, very well. I'm just making your collar explode. Ahaha, ahah."

"H... Huh?! No way...?!" Joe trys to take off the collar. "Wha...?! Gh... Get it off... get this thing...!!"

"Ahaha! Get away, get away! It's dangerooous!"

The humming sounds turn into beeping, and the beeping turns into a siren...

Then it stopped.

Joe pants. "That was a lie, of course. Eheehee... Did you enjoy it?" 'NO-'

"A... A lie..." Joe said in disbelief. Joe's knees gave out, and he collapsed on the floor. "Joe!" I went to Joe and check if he was okay.

"That collar can't actually explode, after all." (Say that to the **** R*** and to A****'s stomach) (I'm spoiler free for anyone who has passed Chapter 2 Part 1)

Reko furrowed her eyebrows. "...You piece of shit...!!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Eheh, it's so funny, ahah, I can't, heehee, even talk, mweeheeheehee..." Miley says as she hold her stomach.

"She's out of her mind, meow..."

"I have a question... Why kidnap.. us...?" I ask. "Ehehe... You don't know, do you... Eheehee. What I'm about to explain... is in regards *to* a fight you must take, ahaha, for your own destiny." Miley answered and turn to the others.

"You will soon undergo a great trial in order to escape outside. As it has been prior, the superior will live, and the inferior will die - it is far from easy. One among you... will certainly die. And the person to die... Shall be decided by your own majority vote."

"Eh...?" "I'm saying that you'll pick it yourselves. The one most unnecessary, hated, and acceptable to have die."

"Stop talkin' nonsense...!! Like we're gonna do somethin' like that!!" Q-taro exclaimed. "Ahaha. Then by all means, starve to death here, all of you."

"Whoa, just laying it on the table."

'Pick... one of us...? 'What... What is she saying? I can't comprehend...'

Not one of us could speak up anymore. We could kill one of these people, stuck in the same situation...? Who we had considered allies? Or else... we would be killed by them...? Why... why doesn't this feel real?

"Ahaha, don't go so pale, everyone! I've got something good to hand out!" (But Miley... Everyone's literally the color white... Well, except for Y/N cause she gray-)

"Something good...?" Sara repeated.

My head won't work... I hardly understand what she's saying...

I watch Miley pass around tablets to everyone. "Ahaha. And here, Y/N L/N, have this tablet."

Obtained a Voting Tablet.

"Ehehe, does everyone have one now? Let us test the functionality with some actual use. When voting, if you know who voted for who, it turns into a quarrel, doesn't it? Eheehee... Thus, by voting with these tablets, you won't know who made what vote. Ehehe. As a test, try voting for whoever!"

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