Hidden Room

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When made it to the Central Hall we saw... stairs?

"Now when'd this get here...!" Q-taro questioned. "Don't tell ,e these stairs lead to..." Sara trailed off. I go near the stairs and see some blood spots. "I think this goes to the Main Game..."

"Why think that?" "There's a blood trail on the steps and Miley was bleeding. And she did say that she will be waiting in the Main Game room." I explained.

"True..." I walk away from the stairs. "I'll go and talk to Sou real quick." Sara nods.

I went to Sou. "Uh Sou, did anyone go up there?" Sou turned to me and shrugged. "I just got here, so I dunno... Has anyone gone missing?" I shook my head. "No. I was just asking." I look at the stairs. 'I cant imagine anyone would go up theses stairs on their own, but...'

"You aren't thinking of going up, are you, Miss Y/N? I'm telling you for your own good... You should refrain for now. More importantly, there's something I wanna show you and Miss Sara." I raise an eyebrow. "Come to the back of the Cafeteria. Please." Then Sou walked away.

'I wonder what he wants to show us...'

I go to Sara. "Sou wants to show us something at the back of the Cafeteria." "What does he want to show us?" Sara asks. "I don't know but he said please so I think he really wants to show us." Sara nods. "Let's go."


We made it to the back of the Cafeteria but there was no Sou.

"Miss Y/N... Miss Sara... This way, this way. I'm over here..." Sou's voice whispered. "What the..." I mutter. "Y/N. Do you have the lighter?" Sara asks. "Yep." I shuffled through my pockets and took out the lighter. I gave it to Sara.

Sara lights up the lighter and walks towards the wall. 'A door?!' Sara opens the door and walks in. "Sara wait...!" I ran inside of the room.

'It's dark in here...' "Dark, isn't it? There's only the light from that stand." "AHH!" I scream. "Oh. Sorry for scaring you, Miss Y/N."

"It's ok... Anyway... Uh, what did you want to show us?"

"Check what's on the desk." Me and Sara look at the desk to see a laptop. 'A laptop!'

"Very intriguing, right? I did try starting it up. There’s no power cord, but it seems to be running on battery power. So once the battery’s dead, it’s over. Want to investigate what’s on it, but…" I nod as Sara said. "Right…"

"Did you see what was on it?" Sara asked Sou. "Umm… About that… This laptop… it’s locked with a password."

"So you can’t see what’s stored on it?"

"I tried some random passwords, but all I accomplished was draining battery… …You two got any ideas?"

"Someone’s name." I told Sou. "Aha! That’s a possibility. And if it opens with someone’s name… There’s a good chance they’re the laptop’s owner! …But if it’s a name we don’t know, there’d be no way for us to learn it.It’d be best if we could just conveniently find a piece of paper with the password…"

"Now that would definitely be a trap." "…Yeah. Hmm… If we just had a hint…" Sou thinks about it for a few seconds. "Ahh… …A hint, huh? Maybe this is a hint from the kidnappers." Sara tilts her head. "What do you mean?"

"There’s probably information on here that’s valuable to us, but worthless to them. Solve the riddle, and we’ll generously give it out. If you can’t, it doesn’t matter to us… Like that. And we can’t see it once the battery goes dead, so it’s like a time-limited treasure chest."

'I can't really see them being that kind.' I thought. "Okay, I’m going to stay here and work on figuring out the password! Miss Y/N, Miss Sara, tell me if you find any clues."

'…I shouldn’t get too hopeful. But I do need to have hope, and keep my head up… Until the battery runs out… Maybe Sou will be able to keep his head up, too.'

I go to the bookshelves and pick a out a book. I open it to see nothing. Sara walks towards me. "It's hard to see in the dark, but there are bookshelves." Sara said. "They've got proper covers... But they're all blank notebooks inside. Keiji was saying there might be a meaning to the ordering of these books, though."

'Keiji was here too..'

I grab Sara's hand and lead her out the hidden room.

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