Part 6 : Promises for life

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This is the last part, guys. Please do lots of inline comments. It always makes my day!

Virat didn't know why but he just wanted to stay in that position for as long as he could. He was still trying to assure himself that he hadn't lost his Mahi Bhai.

Mahi was constantly rubbing Virat's back as he tried to reassure Virat and himself as well.

None of them could be blamed.

After a while, Virat's sobs died down.

Virat slowly straightened himself. He stared down, not meeting Mahi Bhai's eyes as he tried to find words to convey his inner emotions.

"Bhai—" Virat was still trying to avoid his eyes.

Now that he knew Mahi Bhai forgave him, he was feeling even more guilty for everything. Apologising to Bhai for everything that happened seemed to be recalling a very hurtful memory which won't ever fade away from Virat's heart.

How will he forgive himself? And most importantly how will he forget his own actions?

Mahi noticed Virat's red eyes due to crying and he was still breathing fast. Mahi quickly grabbed the glass of water beside his bed.

"Virat, have water." Mahi said, almost making a reluctant Virat drink water. "Are you okay?"

Virat nodded slowly. Mahi sighed.

Cheeku can never leave his stubbornness, can he?

"Did you still not forgive me?" Virat asked in dejected voice, lowering his eyes.

Mahi slowly cupped his cheeks and said softly, "I wasn't ever angry with you, kiddo so that's not even an question to ask."

Virat looked up. Did he actually hear Bhai say that he wasn't angry?

"I was hurt. Hurt and disappointed from your behaviour. I felt I had failed not only as a captain but as an elder brother too. If you had come and talked it out with me, I would have been proud of you for prioritising country over anything else. But things didn't go that way. You pushed me out and-"

"Bhai, please, don't." Virat said fearfully, burying his face in Mahi Bhai's shoulder. "I'll never do that. I promise. I can never do that."


Virat mentally cursed himself for being an absolute fool and talking to Mahi Bhai.

He made Bhai feel that he was pushing him out??!

Virat could literally write a whole book on why he could never do that.

Mahi sighed. He caressed Virat's cheek and said softly, "I know."
He knew Virat was on the verge of tears again.

"Bhai, I didn't know what came over me. I couldn't see beyond myself. I just shut myself from everyone but I can never push you out." Virat said the last bit almost as a whisper.

"You will let me come back to you, right?" Virat asked, not even trying to keep the desperation out of his voice.

"I never asked you to go away." Mahi replied with a soft smile.

Virat didn't lift his head from Mahi's shoulder. He didn't want to leave Mahi Bhai at the moment. He just wanted to cling to him no matter what. He buried his face even more as an attempt to convey the same to Mahi Bhai.

Mahi's neck had started paining as he had bandage on his head and Virat was pulling hard on his shoulder but he didn't budge or pushed Virat. His heart was in solace after holding Cheeku after so long.

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