Chapter 2

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"So, you're Sirius' sister?" The plump, ginger woman, Molly Weasley as I have been informed, asks uncertainly.

"Yep, I was born in between Sirius and Regulus." I smile, sipping a mug of hot chocolate which Remus had handed me.

"What house were you in?" Harry asks, I sigh.

"Hufflepuff." I stare into my mug. "Is that a bad thing?" Harry asks. "Harry, when you're a Black, any house other than Slytherin is a bad thing. You get ridiculed for it, hated for it, hurt because you don't fit in with the family." My hand moves over my covered left arm.

"Did you get forced into getting the Dark Mark?" Sirius gasps, eyeing me up as I hover over it debating whether or not I should show them.

"No," I shake my head. "After you left home, things got much worse. Mum thought that I had helped you escape, night after night she came into my room demanding for me to tell her where you were and every time I told her I didn't know, she used the cruciatus on me. My personal favourite was the time she cut 'blood traitor' into my arm where the dark mark goes on Death Eaters." I pull my sleeve up, giving the crowd around the table a good look at my arm.

"She used the cruciatus on you as well?" Sirius' face morphs into anger, grabbing my forearm gently and running his fingers over the words Blood Traitor which had scarred my arm. "Why?"

"Why what?" I ask confusedly, I swear I had just explained in some detail why she had done it. "Why didn't you join the Death Eaters?"

"Why would have I joined them? I'm not evil by nature, I was a Hufflepuff for Merlin's sake! Why would I join an army of evil pricks who wanted to kill off any muggles, muggle-borns and 'blood traitors'? I could never fight for something that isn't right, that's what I told mum when she tried to take me to get the Dark Mark and be inducted into the Death Eaters. I flat out refused." I say, trying to hold back the tears as the memory came flooding into my mind.

— 5th of August, 1976 —

"Mum, please don't make me do it." I try and pull my arm out of her grasp. "Y/n, you have to get inducted into the Death Eaters if you don't want to carry on being a family disappointment like your older brother." Mum pulls harder.

"What if I want to be like him?" I question, raising my eyebrow.

"Why don't you want to be a Death Eater?" Mother stops still, waiting for my answer impatiently.

"Why should I join an army to fight for something I don't agree with? I don't enjoy the fact that you people are murdering innocent people just because their blood isn't pure. It's disgusting. I cannot fight for something that isn't right. That's not what I do, I don't belong with the Death Eaters." I run a hand through my hair in frustration.

"Y/n, you are a Black, you HAVE to be a Death Eater. Your excuses are rubbish, you're becoming a Death Eater whether or not you like it."


"Crucio." I fall to the floor, the pain shoots through my body. I begin to shake as it was too much.

"Definitely not cut out to be a Death Eater, are you? Blood traitor." Mother spits at me, grabbing my wrist and using her wand to cut the words she had just mentioned into my arm, I let out a scream, a cry of pain. Mother cackled and continued.

—————— End of flashback———–

"Y/n, are you okay?" Sirius shakes me back to reality. "Yeah, sorry, the memory came back to me and I got lost in it." I say, a tear falling down my face.

"I'm sorry that she treated you like this. Why didn't you leave when you had the chance?"

"I couldn't, she'd have found faults in Regulus and hurt her 'oh so perfect' son. I couldn't let the same happen to Regulus, it wasn't fair on him. He didn't deserve it." I mutter.

"You mean, you stayed to protect that idiot brother of ours? The one who went along with everything our parents said? Y/n, that's ridiculous."

"One day you'll understand Sirius. Once I'm allowed to tell you the full truth, I will do." I sigh, I remember the day he died, Kreacher came sobbing into my room in the middle of the night, telling me how my younger brother had really died, swearing me to secrecy until the right moment came.

"What do you mean? Y/n, what are you hiding?" Sirius pushes. "Can't say a word."

"Urgh, fine. Did you stay with mum after Regulus died?" He asks, rolling his eyes.

"Of course. As horrible as she was, I couldn't leave her. Reggie's death broke her completely. I stayed with her, she was somewhat nicer to me in those last few years of her life. I wanted to leave but I couldn't, I'd have felt horrible leaving her alone. Crying every night. I couldn't be a third child that she had lost." I sigh.

"You know, as much as she tried to hide it, I think she genuinely was upset when you left too, she wasn't the same for a few days, other than every night coming to try and torture information out of me. I couldn't walk out on her when she was so upset. Mum cried in secret over you leaving, even though she had been so horrible to you. Then Regulus died - I couldn't do it. She probably wouldn't have cared, but I'd have felt so guilty."

"You're such a Hufflepuff." Sirius snorts, holding back a few tears that were threatening to slip down his face. I pull him into a hug. "I missed you." I whisper.

"I shouldn't have left you." Sirius murmurs. "Sirius, it's fine. I'm glad that you got out while you had the chance. I was planning on moving out but then obviously, Regulus died so you know."


"Honestly, being an animagus is so fun." Sirius laughs, chugging down the last of his wine. "It really is." I giggle.

"You're an animagus?" Remus glances at me, taking my glass out my hand as I go to refill it for the eighth, maybe ninth time. "Of course. What use would Hogwarts have for a bloody horse that shows up once a month eh? They have thestrals for the carriages." I say.

"Y/n, no." Harry says as I make a grab for my glass which Remus had placed onto the table. I pout.

"You were the horse?" Sirius' eyes widen.

"Yep! Hang on, let me prove it." I stand up, knocking my chair over.

"Y/n, you're drunk. Don't do it." Remus groans, leaning back in his own chair.

I transform into a horse, moving closer to Sirius, nuzzling him to the best of my ability.

"I always wondered where the hell the random horse came from when we entered the Shrieking Shack." Sirius pets my head.

I go to transform back but can't. What's wrong? Why can't I change back?

I gallop around the room in a state of panic. Arthur puts an arm out and slows me down by gently holding my mane.
Remus sits, a look of amusement plastered on his face.

"What did I tell you?" Remus shakes his head, walking over to me. I huff in horse as he leads me over to an emptier part of the kitchen.

"Stay here until you're sober enough to transform."

A/n: Who's your favourite Harry Potter character? Mine's Remus :)

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