Chapter 8

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"Well, well, well," Sirius smirked evilly as Remus and I eventually emerged from his room to get breakfast.

"No." I sat down and grabbed one of the empty plates and began to serve myself some of the food that Molly had cooked. Remus did the same, pressed a kiss to my forehead and then sat and began to eat his food.

"We totally going to ignore me?" Sirius groaned, slamming his fork onto the table in frustration. Remus and I continued to eat our food in silence. The werewolf's hand rested on my leg as he finished up his food.

Sirius groaned in dismay as we continued to ignore him, he waved hands in front of our faces, trying desperately to grab our attention away from the empty plates in front of us. "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N." Sirius chanted, getting louder and louder with each repetition of my name.

Remus suddenly stood up, pushed back his chair and picked me up, he then took off running down the hallway and back upstairs. "Re-" His lips cut off whatever sentence I had formed.

We stayed like that up until the door burst open and my brother charged through and threw himself onto Remus' bed, where the werewolf had brought me up to.

"Padfoot," Remus said warningly, raising his eyebrow. "Can't a guy come and check up on his favourite sister ever?" Sirius said, pulling out his puppy eyes, Remus and I groaned loudly.

"She's fine and really wants you to leave so she can carry on talking to your best friend." I gently shoved my brother over to the other side of the bed. Sirius let out an overly exaggerated howl of pain. 

"You've killed me, you've killed me!" He rolled around, crumpling the crisp, neat grey sheets that adorned Remus' bed. "Never have I met such a dramatic person in my life." Remus sniggered, pressing a kiss to my lips as my older brother continued his dramatised roll of pain.

------------- (Next day) ------------------

"Y/N?" Remus' arms shot around from behind me, wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. I stared blankly at the wall covered in the family tree of the most ancient and noble house of Black, eight faces burnt off the tree.

The first face was that of Iola Black, the great-great-great aunt of my brothers and I, burnt off because she married Bob, a muggle, and that lost her status as a member of the Black family.

 Then there was Phineas, my great-great-uncle Phineas, he supported muggle rights which led to him being removed from the family. 

My great uncle Marius was the third face to be burnt off because he was a squib. 

My second cousin, twice-removed, Cedrella was removed as well due to the fact she married Septimus Weasley, a known 'blood-traitor'.

 My great-uncle Alphard was blasted off for giving money to a certain someone known as my brother. My cousin Andromeda was blasted off as she married a muggle man, just like Iola.

The sixth and the eighth face were to the left of the photo of Regulus, Regulus. The sixth face was Sirius, who was blasted off not only for being Gryffindor but for having run away to live with the Potters just before his sixth year was my face.

The eighth face was my face; I was sorted into Hufflepuff, but that was not the reason. Nor was it my refusal to join the Death-Eaters when I was sixteen.

It was because I wasn't him

My mother burnt me off of the family tree because it was Regulus that died and not me, she never forgave me for his death even though it wasn't my fault - Reggie had been on his own secret mission, only Kreacher was supposed to know but he spilt it to me because he wanted someone to save his beloved master.

---- flashback----

"It should have been you." Mum aimed her wand at me, not even the dining table could save me from her wrath at this point. "Mum." My voice wavers as she moves her way around the kitchen in order to get closer to me. 

"No, Regulus never deserved this. You are so selfish, if you'd joined the Death-Eaters like I had asked you, Regulus wouldn't have been alone, you'd have been there to sacrifice your life for his, he was the best thing I ever had and your selfishness of trying to be like your older brother is the reason that my only child has been taken away from me." She screamed, her wand directly pointing at my throat.

"I doubt that I could have prevented his death." I whisper, knowing for a fact that I wouldn't be able to save him, even if I had have been with him. "Nonsense, you just don't want to sacrifice your pathetic little life to save the only good thing that Orion and I ever produced." My mother screamed, her wand prodding into my skin.

"Crucio." Walburga said, her face no longer showed any emotion, she was a blank canvas. The curse hit me, I crumpled to the floor, the pain washing over in powerful waves, I held back the screams of pain, knowing that she'd worsen the curse if she noticed my pain.


That was seventeen years ago to this day.

"Y/n?" Remus pressed a kiss to the side of my head, bringing me back from my memories, I turn around to face him. 
"You okay?" He asked, concern was illustrated in his facial expression. 

"Regulus." I murmur, a tear sliding down my cheek. "Hey, hey. Shh." Remus pulled me in closer to him. "What about him?"

"It's been seventeen years."I sigh, the tears cascading down quicker. "Since he?" Remus stopped himself. I nod.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Remus drags us onto the floor, his legs spread out, I sat in between them, my back leaning against his stomach and his arms wrapped tightly around me. "I-" I hiccup, the crying impacting my speech.

"Do you ever think that he may be alive still?" A voice called from the doorway.

A/N: I apologise for the late update, A-levels are killing me! So is work. I also had my uni entrance/scholarship exams today and now my brain is ouchy

Hope you enjoyed!

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