Chapter 9

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"Don't be ridiculous." I turn around and face my older brother, frowning.

"Why is it ridiculous? It may be a possibility, I have my theories." Sirius shrugged, moving further into the room, closing in on Remus and I. "Enlighten us." Remus rolled his eyes at him.

"Hec hem." Sirius cleared his throat dramatically, preparing himself to present his ridiculous ideas about Regulus.

"Firstly, have you ever been let into Regulus' room? Or every time you try, does Kreacher frantically try and stop you from entering his room?" Sirius raises an eyebrow.

----- flashback -----

I crept upstairs to Regulus' room the night after Kreacher had come home in tears, announcing the death of Regulus to us all. I reached out for the door handle, it was locked. I pulled my wand out and Kreacher apparated out of nowhere.

"Miss Black cannot go in there!" The elf exclaimed in a panic. "Why? I only wanted to see if I could feel his spirit, I miss him." I sigh. 

"No! Miss Black mustn't go in!" 


"Thinking about it, you may be onto something, only with that though. Kreacher once prevented me from entering his room, and then explained his death to me..." I trail the sentence off ever so slightly. 

"What explanation did you get?" Sirius looked up from the floor in interest.

"That he decided to betray the Death-Eaters, he took this locket that belonged to Vold- Voldemort and destroyed it, but he had to drink this potion which drove him to insane thirst, he tried to drink out of the lake but got killed by the inferi that inhabited the lake." 

"You mean Regulus wasn't actually bad?" Sirius sat down next to Remus and I. "I don't think he was." 

"Is. Theory number two, you ever noticed food disappear? Or Kreacher making extra food but the bits no one eats magically disappear? Kreacher sneaking out of Reg's room with empty plates? Kreacher doesn't eat, not that anyway, he eats house-elfy food. What is he doing with the plates?"

"Sirius, I'm sure Regulus isn't hiding in his room, being supplied with things by Kreacher. I've lived in this house for years, I've never moved away from this house. I would know if my dead brother was hiding himself in my house." I say, beginning to debate the theories of Sirius in my mind.

"Yeah, true, but I'm sure Regulus is intelligent enough to charm everything so it's like he doesn't exist, like he's dead. Maybe he did go as far as destroying that locket but instead of dying, he faked his death so that Voldemort wouldn't come after him. Maybe he thought that faking his own death would protect you from Mum, or would help you finding a way to escape."

"Well, it didn't, did it? Stuff got worse when he died, until Mum's death. She blamed me for it for years and years, she was somewhat kinder in her final few months alive, but for the majority, it was torture, the cruciatus. It was my fault that he died, I wasn't there to protect him, swap my life for his." I glance back at the family tree.

"Y/N." Remus stroked my hair, he pressed a kiss to the crook of my neck. "Kreacher!" Sirius shouted, the elf popped into the room.

"Master Black?" The elf said resentfully. "What happened to Regulus?" Sirius demands, the elf stammers, trying to answer.

"Master Regulus is dead, has been for years." Tears sprung to the eyes of Kreacher. "Nonsense, let's go." Sirius grabbed my arm and pulled me up from between the legs of Remus.

"Sirius, you are an absolute twat, you know that? This is far too rash-" I start, getting cut off by my brother.

"Shut it Y/N, we need to find out as to whether or not Regulus really died seventeen years ago." 
Sirius dragged me into the hallway and towards the stairs. We paused a moment to allow space for breathing before we continued our trip, climbing up the stairs two at a time, reaching the top a lot sooner than we anticipated. 

We made it to the door of Regulus' room and I slowed down, pulling on Sirius' arm to stop him going any further. "What is it? Are you not dying to see as to whether or not we've been lied to for years?" Sirius groaned, the annoyance evident in his tone.

An Unexpected Order - Sirius Black's sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now