Chapter 4

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"SIRIUS NO!" I screech at my older brother as he pulls the curtain open, the curtain that happens to be covering the portrait of our mother.

"FAMILY DISAPPOINTMENTS! BOTH OF YOU DISGUST ME. BLOOD TRAITORS!" The portrait begins to scream. "And falling in love with a half-blood Gryffindor, really Y/n? What have I said about blood purity? Not that a pureblood would marry you, scum."

I draw my wand and cast a spell covering the portrait back up. "The bitch put some permanent sticking spell on her portrait, it won't come off." I grumble, turning on my heel and storming off upstairs.

"Y/n, wait! What did she mean by 'falling in love with a half-blood Gryffindor'?" Sirius imitates mum's previous statement in a high pitched voice. "Nothing that should concern you, nosy." I sigh.

"No, I think I should know, I'm your brother." He raises an eyebrow at me. "Sirius, keep your nose out of my business."

"I want to know who this person was." Sirius demands. "Is." I whisper, he gives me a questioning look. "I've been in love with this person for years." My voice drops to below a whisper.

"Well, if you told me, then I'll find this person and have a little chat with them." My brother starts to walk towards me. "No." I state. "I want answers Y/n. I need to have a chat and warn them to stay away from you."

"Sirius, I'm thirty-four, you aren't in control, I am NOT a child." I raise my voice at the man in front of me. "I'm still your older brother though!" Sirius shouts angrily back at me.

"So? I haven't seen you for fourteen years. What makes you think that you can waltz into my house, without even alerting me first, and then try and control my actions?" I cross my arms.

"Your house? It's mine now. I'm the eldest." Sirius scoffs. "You left, you walked out on us and so you were removed from the family - so then it got left to Regulus who died before mum did, so I got given the house. You can't automatically claim it now you've decided that you actually want it. Mum left it to me in her will, not you."

"Don't." Sirius warns. "I left for my own good, you were too much of a coward. 'I stayed to protect Regulus'. Bullshit. You could have left at any time, but you chose to stay despite the torture that Walburga put you through. Y/n, the house should be mine."

I feel tears spilling over my eyelids, I rub them violently in the hope I could stop myself from crying. "Aw, Is little Y/n crying?" Sirius taunts.

"Please stop." I whisper.

"That's enough." The kitchen door flies open. "Molly, no!" I hear Arthur shout.

"Sirius Black, you can't treat your sister like that. Yes, you may be older than her but that does not entitle you to anything, not the house, not anything. Neither of you should have spoken to each other like that but Sirius, honestly. Y/n's right, you can't wander into your childhood home after fourteen years and not even stop to think that your sister was here, you can't expect her to hand you the house that she has been left." Molly scolds both of us.

"Oh don't worry Molly, it's all sorted." I say, turning around and storming off upstairs. I rummage through my drawer until I find the bag that I had placed an extension charm on.

I begin to scour my room, looking for clothing and important objects that I might need to keep with me. I throw anything I find onto my bed ready to put into my bag, there's a mountain of clothes piled up next to a stack of books, important memories and my secret stash of food.

I fold every item of clothing up and neatly pack my bag, the last thing that I put in is my large pouch of money, I'd been to Gringotts about a week ago so I had a large amount, enough to tie me over for a while.

I lace my shoes and sigh, leaving is the best thing to do but I shouldn't have to. I just can't stay if Sirius is going to be here. I tiptoe downstairs, the Order had returned to the kitchen and the hallway was silent.

I pull the door open, greeted by a gust of cold air in my face. "Who left the front door open?" I can hear Sirius shout from the kitchen, a chair scuffles backwards and the kitchen door opens. I freeze.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Remus whispers, approaching me, I say nothing but step out into the cold weather of Islington and close the door. I bolt off as fast as I can, not hearing the door of 12 Grimmauld Place open not long after I shut it.

I ran, ran down the streets, across the roads, not really knowing where I was going. I hear footsteps getting closer to me, I speed up. My feet pound against the concrete pavements, they began to ache but I couldn't slow down now, I had to keep going.

The footsteps behind me catch up, a hand reaches out and grabs my arm. The hand spins me around and I come face to face with Remus. He was panting slightly from running so much, as was I.

"Y/n, why? Why did you leave?" Remus starts trying to catch his breath. "It's Sirius' house." I mumble sheepishly. His face softens and he pulls me into a hug. "It isn't, it's your house. Sirius can't come and take it from you. Come on, let's go back to Grimmauld." Remus lets go of me, the moment his arms left, I glance guiltily at him before apparating off.

I end up at the house of my cousin, Andromeda. I knock on the door, standing nervously, I hadn't seen her for years.

"Y/n? Is it really you?" My older cousin opens the door, a look of surprise on her face, I nod slowly. She squeals and hugs me. "Come in! Come in!" Andromeda ushers me into the house.

"To what do I owe the pleasure? It's been a long time." Andromeda passes me a mug of tea.

"I ran away."

A/n: Have you read ATYD yet? I'm 107 chapters in and I'm really enjoying it! I really love Grant too!

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