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A/N I just wanted to say sorry for taking so long to update, i started back to school so i didn't have much time to be writing. Also for anyone watching my YouTube fanfics, i should be posting today as well, anyways enough talk. I hope you enjoy the chapter x

Harry made his way to the library and sat down in his favourite chair in the corner. He liked it there as it was hidden away, it reminded him of his cupboard in a way, he never really enjoyed the cupboard that much, but when he was locked away if he knew his uncle couldn't hurt him for at least a few days. Strangely it made him feel safe, he sighed in content as he curled up on the chair, glancing around he looked for something to draw, he spotted a large window with a ledge for resting. He started to sketch out the guidelines and structure of the picture.

After some time, Draco had made his way into the room and just so happened to sit by the window. He hadn't noticed Harry was there, said person was waiting for Draco to get comfortable so he could add him into the sketch without risking the fact that he could move. Once Draco had settled down, Harry started drawing again. The sun had fully risen by now and the golden light was reflecting off Draco's pale skin. Harry was finding it hard not to stare, shaking his head every time he zoned out.

After some time Draco shifted and made a move to get up. He was stopped however by a shout from the corner "Don't move I'm nearly finished!" Harry called and waved his sketch book. Draco look puzzled but stayed where he was.

The two of them fell back into a comfortable silence, the only noise being the sound of a pencil being dragged across the paper. "Finished!" Harry exclaimed ten minutes later. Draco turned to look at him, "may I see it?" He asked. Harry nodded, and made his way over to him, he passed the sketchbook into his hands. Draco looked down at it and his breath hitched, it was beautiful, every detail was perfect, it had been drawn with he great care. "It's not the best, but you can keep it if you want." He heard Harry say. "It's beautiful, can I keep it?" He replied, finally lifting his gaze from the drawing. Harry nodded, "I can ask Sev if he could frame it if you want?" "Thanks, and since when has it been 'Sev'" he lightly teased. Harry blushed, "I- we sorted a few things out, and then I accidentally called him that the other day, but he didn't mind." Draco smiled at him, which Harry returned the gesture.

They ended up walking to lunch together, making light talk. Severus saw them and smiled, they were getting along. "Sev, I drew this earlier and wondered if you could frame it for Draco?" Harry asked as they reached him. "Of course," He said as he took the drawing from him. He conjured up a white frame around the drawing and handed it back to Harry who passed it to Draco.

After lunch, Harry and Draco made their way back to their rooms. A few moments passed until the silence of Harry's reading was interrupted by a knock on his door. Harry moved from his spot on the bed, opening the door, Draco stood outside it awkwardly. "Um, sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could get a few things from the wardrobe?" He asked Harry. "Uh sure, come in." The boy replied.

Draco stepped into the room, he didn't know what he was expecting but it wasn't this. The room was extremely tidy, the bed had been made, the books were tucked neatly into the small bookshelf near his desk. They had also been organised alphabetically. His sketchbooks were stacked on one side of the desk, next to it was parchment paper with finished summer assignments. The door to the wardrobe was closed, Harry's trunk was propped up by the wall beside the door.

Draco realised he had probably been starting around the room for a little longer than he had originally meant to. He coughed slightly and made his way to the wardrobe. He lifted one of the boxes in the back, checking it was the right one, he stood up and made his way to leave. "Thanks." He muttered as he passed Harry. He heard Harry shut the door behind him, he strolled into his new room and unpacked the clothes he had taken.

Once he was finished, he decided to go outside settling down on one of the chairs by the garden. He stared off into space as to be thought about how different 'potter' was being compared to school. He didn't even know what he was doing here in the first place. Why was he staying with Severus? Did something happen with you-know-who? Why were he and Snape liking each other? He was even calling him 'Sev.' He sighed trying to make sense of it.

A few days passed, Draco and Harry had agreed to a truce. They were currently hanging out in the library. Draco was sitting on one of the sofa's and Harry was on the ground, leaning against his legs. They were currently laughing at something Draco had said, Severus walked in and they tried to stifle their laughter. In their attempt, they ended up glancing at each other making them laugh even harder. Snape watched them in amusement as they struggled to keep a straight face.

Harry eventually mangled to wheeze out, "yes?" Before falling into another set of giggles. "I'm going to Diagon Alley to get potion ingredients, so try not to blow up the house while I'm gone," Snape said, amusement in his voice. The two boys nodded, not trusting themselves to speak but as soon as Snape had left, they both burst out laughing.

A/N let me know if you want me to add anything to the story, like ideas that you want.

Word count - 1028

Also for any Marvel fans I will be doing one shots for that, as well as Harry Potter one shots, so let me know if you have an requests and I will add the to my list! (P.S is anyone enjoying FTAWS?)

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