A unexpexted guest

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I do not own these characters, JK Rowling does, i have just taken them and changed them.

Over the next few days, Harry and Snape talked every night about the Dursley's and they slowly became closer, Harry trusted Snape more. He told him. Things that he would have never confided with anyone else.

One day Harry woke up in pain, glancing down his shirt was covered in blood. "One of my cuts must have opened up." Harry thought. Making his way into the bathrooms, he took off his shirt and lifted a damp cloth, wincing as he cleaned the blood off the cut on his back and then wrapped a bandage around it. He cleaned up any blood that had fallen and rinsed the shirt and towel in the sink, "sev-Snape couldn't know" Harry said to himself.

After changing into his new clothes, he walked down to the dinning room. Snape smiled as he walked in, and gestured to the seat beside him, instead of Harry's normal seat. Harry cautiously sat down, he didn't know if it was a trick. He soon found out that it wasn't as Snape did nothing as he sat down.

A few moments later, the house elves brought in breakfast. Harry and Snape had a small conversation while they ate. As harry went to go back into his room. He heard Snape gasp behind him. "What?" Harry asked, turning round. "Harry, your bleeding." Snape said. "Oh that, I'm fine." Harry said nervously. "Harry you re not fine, please let me heal you." Snape stated. "Fine." Harry replied, knowing it was no use to argue. "Thank you, go lie down in your room, i will meet your there" harry nodded and left the room.

Harry sighed and lay down on his stomach. After a few moments he heard Snape walk in. "I'm going to need you to remove your shirt." He said gently. "Do i have to?" Harry asked nervous again. Snape nodded, "i can't heal your back otherwise." Harry groaned and removed his shirt. Snape sat stunned at what he saw. Bruises and cuts were littered over his thin body. Scars cross-crossed over his back, and he saw what was causing the bleeding. There was a fairly recent cut on his spine, it was clearly infected and needed treatment. He looked up to see harry looking at him with scared eyes, "I'm sorry." He mumbled, looking down. Snape was confused, why was the boy sorry. It wasn't his fault that his relatives were monsters. "Why?" Snape asked. "For being weak, I'm supposed to defeat Voldemort, how can i do that when a few muggles can hurt me." Snape froze again, is this what the body though of himself. "Harry, its not your fault what those vile animals did to you, okay." Snape told him. Harry nodded but he didn't seem to believe a word Snape said. Snape knew it would be no use, trying to change his mind now, "later" he told himself.

He pulled out his wand and muttered a few spells and Harry back started to heal. He then took some bruising slave and gently rubbed it into Harry's bruises. He did a few steels to check for broken bones, fortunately there was none. About an hour later, Snape had finished and Harry had fallen asleep. Snape closed Harry's blinds and pulled the covers over him, before leaving.

It was past lunch when Harry woke up. There was no smell of blood and Harry smiled. He sunk back into the covers and enjoyed the scent of vanilla and apple, Draco's scent. Harry lay there for another twenty minutes, before getting up and stretching. He walked into his closet and for the first time, he noticed a small trunk sitting in the far corner. He made his way overt to it and carefully opened it. In it there was a lots and lots of hoodies. He lifted out a dark green one out and put it on, whoever owned these were much taller than harry. He didn't mind though. He paired it with plain black sweats and left to find Snape.

Snape looked up when he heard someone enter the room, letting out a laugh, when he saw Harry wearing one of Draco's hoodies from his collection. Harry looked sad, thinking Snape was laughing at him. "What?" He asked quietly. "Nothing, its just I see you have found Draco's hoodies stash, it was his room when he stayed here" Snape explained to him. "Oh, thats why it smells like him" harry said, a little more loudly than he thought. Snape smirked at him and Harry blushed. Snape thought for a moment before saying, "I have a few photos of Draco and your mother, if you would like to see them." "Really?" Snape nodded.

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