The Scar

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A/N: I am so sorry for not updating a chapter, I just haven't had the motivation to write but I'm back. It is a short chapter but I hope you enjoy it anyways. X

A few weeks had passed when Harry woke up in excruciating pain. He pressed his hand to his scar and winced when he realised it was bleeding. Harry stumbled towards the bathroom to receive a wet cloth. However as he opened the door, his vision blurred, he lost his grip on the handle collapsing to the floor as the pain suddenly spiked.

Draco knocked on Harry's door, he waited for a few minutes but when he didn't receive an answer he grew anxious, he had recently found out that Harry was a very light sleeper so it would be unlikely that Harry hadn't woken up to the sound. He rapped the door again before entering. He let out a gasp of shock and horror as he saw Harry lying unconscious on the floor in front of the bathroom. He shouted out for Severus and rushed over to kneel beside Harry. He checked his pulse and to his relief, he could feel a faint one.

Snape burst through the door scanned the area for intruders their gaze finally landing on Harry's passed out form. He fell next to Draco and pulled out a potion from his cloak. He gently moved Harry's body upright before pouring the liquid into his mouth which he had softly pried open. Snape handed Draco the empty bottle and massaged Harry's throat allowing the potion to pass through. Draco watched with anticipation as Harry spluttered on the liquid and his eyes fluttered open. Snape wordlessly handed him a cloth that he had summoned which Harry gratefully took and wiped his mouth from the spilt potion.

"You okay?" Draco asked moving forward to grasp Harry's hand in his own. Harry nodded in response. "We should get you onto a bed," Snape said, lifting the boy and laying him on the bed. Harry croaked "Thanks." Before falling into a coughing fit.

Draco lay next to him, wrapping a blanket over them both. Snape smiled and handed Draco a potion, "In case he wakes up in pain." Draco nodded and placed the bottle on the table beside him. Severus turned and left the room closing the door behind him.

Harry woke up a few hours later he tried to get up but was stopped by a pair of hands that were wrapped around his waist. Harry smiled softly and gently ran his fingers through Draco's hair. Draco stirred and leaned into Harry's touch. He eventually opened his eyes and tenderly kissed Harry. "How are you feeling?" Draco asked him. "Better," Harry replied stretching his arms above his head, his back giving off a loud crack. Draco winced at the sound causing Harry to laugh.

The pair got ready and went to the kitchen to get food as they had slept through both breakfast and lunch. They thanked the house elves who had prepared them more than enough food.

Once they had eaten enough food, Draco forced Harry to visit Severus to make sure he was okay. Harry had tried to protest but Draco was having none of it.

Severus was confused, to say the least as Draco marched a pouting Harry into his study. "He says he is fine, I want you to check," Draco informed Severus. Snape nodded and muttered a spell, a few moments later he deemed Harry fine. Harry grinned, "See I told you!" Draco rolled his eyes and the two left the study.

They ended up snuggling up on one of the sofas in the back corner of the library. Draco had noticed Harry's habit of sitting back there. He hadn't questioned it however but had made a mental note to sit closer to the back of the room. Harry was sketching as he leant against Draco's legs which had been propped up on the sofa who was reading.

A/N: If you have any ideas of what you would like to happen I will try too include them, also if you notice any spelling mistakes etc please let me know and I will fix them. X

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