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Wang Yibo's P.O.V :

"Don't let me see you cry... It's fine we'll be out soon."

Nathan was the one to comment. Well it wasn't me. It was Cheng. He was scared. Okay being behind the bars is always scary. I wasn't coz maybe I knew that place was familiar to me few days back. So my fear ceased within. Nathan he seemed carefree. Didn't bother to be feared. Well Bobby, he wasn't with us. We had no idea about him. The main troublemaker was missing. 

"Hey! It's fine Zhan Ge will be here soon.. And your Jie."

It was my time to console the timid soul. Walking next to him, I wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He was still scared. I could feel his body trembling in my arms. I didn't know what else to say. Well I'm not good at consoling someone. Sorry but I'm no good. I'm useless at every thing. 

"A-Cheng! A-Cheng come on.. Move .." 

Zoey fumed into that small room and pulled Cheng away. What was that? Why was she behaving that rude? Well she even pushed me to make move. What about me? Before I could enquire her, the iron door locked with a boom. Now I'm feared. I'm a free bird. Even if roads,  prison isn't a place for me. 

"Take me out.. " 

I banged the door. Ouch! It pained. Nathan came running to stop me. He was concerned. Pulling me towards the bench. He almost pushed me into it. I fell over the bench with a loud thud. I saw the guard peep in. Hey why no ones there to take me out.? Did Zhan Ge abandoned me. Well the thought overwhelmed me, along the painful body and I started to wail. It was a sudden outburst and it scared Nathan.

"Yibo! Buddy what's with you.. Hey! We are together.. We'll be out together.. Don't worry."

Well I wasn't crying coz of being here. But with the thought of not seeing Zhan Ge for the next time. It was the most hurting thought I could have. I felt that sudden pain in my chest, and it was just hurting too much. My tears didn't seem to cease and I didn't know how to pretend fine.

"Zhan Ge!"

Calling his name louder, I thought to make him hear. Guess what , is it even possible to make someone hear when I'm locked into a room. Clutching my palm over my heart, I sat at the floor and kept sobbing. It was an hour or so, that my sobs turned quieter , yet eyes kept dripping tears. Nathan he chose silence. He knew I wouldn't be listening to him at any cost. Sitting beside me, he kept stroking my back from time to time.

"Yibo! get up.."

Was I dreaming.? Zhan ge was right in front of me. Is he really here to get me.? Well I couldn't believe my eyes. Turning my gaze at Nathan I enquired,

"Hey do you see him?"


"What do you mean if he sees me..? Yibo get your fucking ass up. Come on.."

He was angry. My body involuntarily reacted to his command. Soon I was standing on my feet. My eyes were pinned at his face. I couldn't believe my faith. The very next moment, he was grabbing me out. What about Nathan? Well I couldn't utter a word. I was too exhausted. And the things that were happening seemed so cliché. 

If you tell me , that someone's after me to kill me. I'll believe you. If you tell I'll have to be leaving all behind and will have to live in streets I'll believe you. But trust me, I can't believe what's happening right now? I'm happy but is Zhan Ge really here to get me back?

We drove back to his shabby house. What isn't he going back to Zoey.? I was confused. And well yes I needed answers.

"Why are we here? Miss Zoey.."

"It's all on you. She cut her ties with me.."

Before I could complete my queries. He abruptly make me stop and fumed out of the car. He was walking away. Why ? Leaving me at the place, Where was he leaving to ?

"Zhan Ge! Where are you going?"

"None of your concern. Tomorrow I'll give you a ride back.. and we'll part our ways. You get that.."

And he was gone. He left me at that place. It was dark and I was hurting and scared and what not. Shivering in fear and sadness, I started to sob again. What do I do to stop him? Well tonight will be our last night. 

Wiping my tears, that seemed to contradict my mind. It seemed inconsolable. I felt broken. I never wanted anything. He's the only person I want to hang on to. God ! Please. I'm a bad person. Alright. I'll take my punishments . But please let Zhan Ge change his mind. I don't want to be alone.

Ripping my shirt in anger, I screamed. With another scream I pulled away my pants. I was only in my underwear. Walking up to the bathroom, I was staring at myself. I looked terrible. Tear stained face, dark circled eyes. Well I look pathetic. Zhan Ge must be hating me. 

Back in the room, I didn't take the couch. I climbed the bed and laid there. Didn't caring about anything I laid naked there. Only in my lower brief. 

It was midnight and I heard the door open with a bang. It was him. Stepping into the room, awfully the fragrance of alcohol engulfed my nostrils. He's drunk. Is he still angry? Gulping on the lump of fear, I made no move and shut my eyes close. I could hear him walk closer to the bed. Yet he didn't said anything to me. Well I'm scared. I'm terrified. This man can be too much dangerous. Can't he? Well you guys have already seen it. 

"Hey! Shift .. Shift."

He said and was pushing me towards the left end of the bed. Well I lethargically pulled the body. Laying beside me , his eyes fell on the very thing at my back. The six scars that has now turned dark brownish and it looks scary. I could feel him trail his finger over my scars, featherily . Maybe he was concern and didn't want to hurt me.

"What happened boy?"

Oh! I was endlessly waiting to hear this soft voice once again. I must be happy. I'm happy. But seems like my adrenaline swipes me off to tears. Lights sobs left my throat and he heard it. I was trembling. Trying hard to suppress the tears , my torso trembled at the raze.

"Hey! Sushh... Don't cry Yibo. Sleep now.." 

Said him. His hands trailing over my hair, my nape and again very lightly over my back. He was trying to soothe me. Soon I dazed off.  His command has always taken its action on me. 


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