Hunters (scroll if you dont believe it)

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So this chapter in particular is for people with believe in awtok/hunters you don't believe it you can scroll to the last.
So here is the last part to this whole guide.
Anyways, I will teach you reader how to hide some abilities if you have to.
This also as well a longer part than the others.
Alright let's begin,

1: AWTOK / hunters:
So what are hunters?
Hunters are mythical's/people who learn about mythical's and hunt them down like animals to get them and put them down.

So what is "AWTOK"?
AWTOK is an secret organization that was made by the government to kill mythical's to make the world better by also tracking them.
Then quietly put bases everywhere in the world.
As they are to be described to be seen in logo less vans, glasses/suit, and helicopters.
And once they get you, they test on you to be described as painful.

How do I tell If I am being tracked and how to prevent it:

- if there are vans that always are there that stalk you all over that is not your neighbors van or a workers van like a plumber

- if there are people outside or inside of your house that are not who you know or come from where you live
This is if you are seeing the same unknown person/people that don't live where you live (not relatives you haven't seen since you were a newborn)

- if there are also cameras during or after your mythical journey
Now this is the case if you are doing something with your mythical parts/powers. Or you are doing an m or f shift.
(But not strict parents, or abusive, if you are going through that, it ok and you can find help)

We will now talk of hiding abilities,

- I recommend staying calm or not having some presence or anger unless necessary

- if you want to test or just play with your powers I suggest being alone somewhere where people don't really see you.

3 what not to do and instead do:

when I ever I see most guides when it comes to hiding , they will always tell you to do the extreme like running away into dangerous places.

1: "if people find out, run away from society entirely for a new life."

This is rather more fear mongering and dangerous than helpful if you take time to think.
Running away isn't just some easy task to do, most run away when it is absolutely necessary than when it comes to exposure.
Especially at such a young age like 13 and younger/older.

Instead I tell you to either make a lie about it or if you do need to, I suggest instead tell another mythical or a very trusted person to stay there. To not seem hostile.

Tip: always stay with the most trustworthy, you don't know who could downgrade you.

Tip: so this is a really important thing to note for anything, think before you manifest on what you are doing, once you go in, you don't come out. So chose very wisely of what you want before spending it.

That's all, now we will go to the conclusion.

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