The Mysterious One Part 2

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*masked men surrounded Lin, Asami, Mako and Bolin as Bohai comes to the rescue and uses airbending to blow the masked attackers away*

Bohai: Are you guys alright?!

Lin: We're fine but we need to get everyone to safety

Bohai: You guys get everyone to safety. I'll take care of these guys

Mako: On it!

*As they go get everyone to safety, Bohai is left alone with the masked attackers as they run fast towards as Bohai fights back*

Bohai: *Uses earth bending and launches one of the attackers across*

Masked attacker 1: Ahhhh! Oof!

*Meanwhile the others are getting everyone to a safe shelter*

Mako: Everyone get in!

*The citizens of Ba Sing Se goes in the shelter*

Bolin: Is that everyone?

Lin: That's everyone. Now let's go help Bohai

*A masked attacker shoots them with  tranquilizer darts*

All of them: Ah! Ugh!

*Meanwhile Bohai takes out all the attackers but then is shot with tranquilizer dart*

Bohai: Ah!

*A dark figure appears in front of him while Bohai is trying look up before passing out*

???: Load the avatar into the truck. And take his friends to somewhere to the underground prison

*A few hours later*

Bohai: Ughhh... *slowly opens eyes* Wha- Where am  I?

*Bohai tries to get up but is locked in chains*

Bohai: Hey! Let me out!

???: I don't think that would be possible. Because your to tell me the information to the spirit world

Bohai: Who are you?

*The person takes off their mask as it reveals to be Jia*

Bohai: Jia?!

Jia: Hello Bohai, it's been a long time hasn't it?

Bohai: Everyone thought you were killed during the raid. Why are you doing this?!

Jia: Because I wanted all the power in the world. I was sick and tired of being the only girl who wasn't known for anything. So I faked my death and escape and started a new life. That's when I learned blood bending. And that's when I knew my true destiny

Bohai: You learned blood bending? I don't believe you.

Jia: Oh really? I'll show you *uses blood bending*

Bohai: Ahhh! Ughhh!

*Jia drops Bohai hard on the ground*

Bohai: Oof!

Jia: I knew you were weak. I should destroy you. Bring the venom.

*Masked attackers being a needle of snake venom*

Bohai: N-no...

Jia: You see this needle is filled with the most dangerous snake venom from the desert and could kill anyone within minutes. And I plan on using this on you if don't tell me about the spirit world!

Bohai: I-I'll never tell you!

*Bohai goes into the avatar state and fire blasts Jia and masked attackers and tries to escape but Jia sticks the needle in his arm and ejects the venom*

Bohai: Ahhhhh! *Falls on the ground hard* U-Ughhhh

Jia: There's nothing that can help you! NOTHING! Say goodbye to being the avatar. Guards prepare the airship. We're going to the spirit portals in republic city

*The end*

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