Fate of the World

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Narrator: The world is at stake. After founding out the mysterious one turned out to be Jia. She ejected Bohai with dangerous snake venom and is now traumatized. Who will save the Avatar and who will this monster.

*In the underground prison where guards are walking around*

Mako: what's the plan chief?

Lin: we need to escape that's the plan. Bolin you think you can lava bend the cell door?

Bolin: On it.

*Bolin uses lava bending to melt the door*

Asami: Nice work

Lin: We're going to have to sneak our way out without getting caught

*Lin uses seismic sense*

Lin: There's an exit up ahead. Follow me

*Meanwhile in Jia's lair, Bohai is suffering from venom*

Bohai: Ahhhhhh! Ughhhh! Ahhhh!

*At air temple island*

*Jinora feels Bohai's energy from afar*

Jinora: Oh no

*Jinora gets in a meditating position and uses spirit projection and sees Bohai*

Jinora: *Gasps* Bohai!

Bohai: J-Jinora help me! Ahhhh!

Jinora: Don't worry I'll get help

*Jinora runs to tenzin's office where she sees him and Suyin*

Jinora: Dad!

Tenzin: Jinora what's wrong?

Jinora: Bohai's in trouble and it looks like he's been ejected with something

Su: No! Where is he now?!

Jinora: It looked an underground lair. Deep in Ba Sing Se

Tenzin: We have to get there quickly!

*Meanwhile in downtown Republic city*

*Jia and her guards arrive near the spirit portal *

Jia: Today we will change the course of history. The Avatar will parish and will no longer exist. But also we will destroy the spirit world!

Guards: YEAHHHH!!!

*All of sudden the air nation appear from the spirit world*

Bumi: Not so fast.

Jia: Huh?

Bumi: You're not taking over this place ever!

Jia: we Guards Attack!

*Guards run towards the air nation*


*The air nation and Jia's Guards start battling*

*Meanwhile Lin, Mako, Asami and Bolin makes it out the prison and runs into Jinora, Tenzin and Su*

Lin: Great you guys are here. Where's Bohai?

Jinora: He's in a underground lair and he's in trouble

Bolin: We need to help him but how are we going to get there

*Lin uses seismic sense*

Lin: There's a tunnel underneath. If we can earth bend the ground we should get to where Bohai is at. Su help me out

Avatar: Bohai's Journey (Book 2: Destiny)Where stories live. Discover now